Turtle Hermit

  • So i took a look at most of the turtle posts and they're always just for lvl70 and such.
    I'm more intrested in a levelign build for the time being since im a casual and dont level up that fast.
    a fast answer would be really apreciated.

  • Well for starters what level are you? I would just level up my build and put points into any attack that helps you level and quest since you can reset your build every week. Although I would recommend maxing slow and sleep abilities to help quest.

    I am currently level 33 i just need some pointers as to how to use my points in the most effective way.

  • Even if you are looking for lvl up build there arent any that change your way to lvl up faster like turtle is based on energy crit if you can deal enough of energy crit on the mob to 1 shot them then you should be good enough to farm tho all i can say to you to hit that lvl you need to be just to get your kamehameha fast then you can do some good dmg even tho without kamehameha you can that too but reccommend you to get kamehameha if you want to think about lvling up faster after all you need like 2 kame to finish a group mob if you cant kill them and you die then try to focus on gather a small group its like you need to play safe and hope you crit allot instead of getting non crit and die fast ...

    anyways here is the build i am using soo far this is meant for pvp and pve


  • Area Bleed is SO OP, dont let the fact you're not a Crane set you off.

    I have a turtle with DoTs and at mid level, killing large groups is super simple. All you need to do is:
    1- Area Bleed
    2- Kamehameha or Scatter Shot (if you're lower than 42)
    3- Area Bleed
    4- Dash away.

    My friend tried them at high level and he stated that he no longer even cared about his Kamehameha hitting crits. Though I still recommend a more offensive build at higher levels.

    This, on the other hand, seems perfect for LEVELING.

  • My turtle is lvl 43 and I use the same strategy B4.DA.$$ just described above pretty much all the time, it is very reliable. DOTs + Kamehameha (knock them on the floor if you need to gain time). I don't even use Hypnosis, only Speed Restrain + Turtle Rod Strike they won't be able to move as if they had been stunned, perfect for dealing with tough Ultras and Bosses. Just pound them with all the DOTs you have and sit on the floor watching them die slowly :evil: And modify your build as much as you like as you level up.

  • My turtle is lvl 43 and I use the same strategy B4.DA.$$ just described above pretty much all the time, it is very reliable. DOTs + Kamehameha (knock them on the floor if you need to gain time). I don't even use Hypnosis, only Speed Restrain + Turtle Rod Strike they won't be able to move as if they had been stunned, perfect for dealing with tough Ultras and Bosses. Just pound them with all the DOTs you have and sit on the floor watching them die slowly :evil: And modify your build as much as you like as you level up.

    The only flaw in this is that Area Bleed is only useful with mobs (and possibly against players in PvP). Bosses are a little trickier to deal with because you have to get in very close. Tested this with the Dark Devil Dragon Boss.

  • Beginner turtles tend to go for as many attacks as possible, since the high cooldown on some of your skills.
    If you are a female turtle, I would highly advise you to buy turtle books, and use your skills with Cooldown ability. [Turtle books give you 1000% RP, and a small drain of LP / EP / sec.

    Until leveling I advise you to rely on your kamehames and scatter shot, impale and rod hurl are good friends aswell, and by the time you reach 70 you can just reset it and look for an end-game hybrid build.

    Please do keep in mind that your kamehames are weak until you manage to max them out, their damage will be very very good for you upon reaching level 65.

  • Beginner turtles tend to go for as many attacks as possible, since the high cooldown on some of your skills.
    If you are a female turtle, I would highly advise you to buy turtle books, and use your skills with Cooldown ability. [Turtle books give you 1000% RP, and a small drain of LP / EP / sec.

    Until leveling I advise you to rely on your kamehames and scatter shot, impale and rod hurl are good friends aswell, and by the time you reach 70 you can just reset it and look for an end-game hybrid build.

    Please do keep in mind that your kamehames are weak until you manage to max them out, their damage will be very very good for you upon reaching level 65.

    This is what came to mind after testing Area Bleed, where I found it to be useful in dealing with mobs for chip damage. However, once you reach the point where your Kames deal massive damage this skill becomes, for the most part, outclassed.

  • That is true, but it proves to be very useful when dealing with ultras, you could slow them and cast some DOT skills on the ultra , leave him alone for a while, take care of the underlings and when you go back to him hell be seconds away from death ;) . It is only a matter of strategy and your fighting style. As long as you make it through all the levels and enjoy it you could use many combos; then seek a good build on LVL 70 depending on what purpose you give to your character. :thumbup:

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