Dark warrior suggestion

  • Hello, i would like to suggest these things to( Daneos and GMs Celestial Titania , Aru , GokUsama , Tempest ) for dark warrior and these suggestions are:

    • Make Demon Wave 356.png have effect : Energy damage 349%, 185 burn per 2 second

    • Make Powerful Roar 8.png have the same effect of Shadow knight skill's Deception 338.png

    if that will be added Dark warrior will be a good tanker like shadow knight also will have a DoT skill with damage % ,like SK's Bold strike.

    Thank you.

  • dark warrior is really poor when it comes to taunt and taking the aggro when you see SK,it has deception which is better in taking the aggro.

    about the demon wave yea i agree, it doesn't do good energy damage it only does burn with good amount but its energy damage needs to be % like bold strike !

  • dark warrior is really poor when it comes to taunt and taking the aggro when you see SK,it has deception which is better in taking the aggro.

    about the demon wave yea i agree, it doesn't do good energy damage it only does burn with good amount but its energy damage needs to be % like bold strike !

    well the issue there is if we make demon wave "burn strike" it would be so OP, because at-least with bold strike u can wear antibleed to counter the huge 2k bleeds and e def gear, I suppose e def gear and burn def stat would be the counter-play vs dw, but it would be a crane tier lvl burn with % burn, and bold strike is already annoying as it is already for humans. I don't know for sure though as it would only be 185% burn compared to bold strikes 279% bleed. You're correct on the taunt though, Powerful roar just sucks atm.

  • well the issue there is if we make demon wave "burn strike" it would be so OP, because at-least with bold strike u can wear antibleed to counter the huge 2k bleeds and e def gear, I suppose e def gear would work as well vs dw but it would be a crane tier lvl burn with % burn. You're correct on the taunt though, Powerful roar just sucks atm.

    i didn't mean change burn damage to % i meant the energy damage only, burn damage doesn't need to be touched, to make it balanced.

  • If you are looking for kind of taunt's You have Energy Siege !! then for the bosse's 2 taunt's with some CD are more then Enough ! in pve the sk and darkwarrior are kinda equal ( i would take DW cuz it's Tankier for cc ) but the sk Aoe stun is cool as well for BIDS ( mobs spawn ) i think the best think to do for both tank classe's is just to make The CDR as it used to bee in TW cuz know it's clearly not !! other thing that would boost the DW pve gameplay turn the Physical attack's in to eneregy one's ! at least the 2 tornades ! ^^ thanks for reading !

  • If you are looking for kind of taunt's You have Energy Siege !! then for the bosse's 2 taunt's with some CD are more then Enough ! in pve the sk and darkwarrior are kinda equal ( i would take DW cuz it's Tankier for cc ) but the sk Aoe stun is cool as well for BIDS ( mobs spawn ) i think the best think to do for both tank classe's is just to make The CDR as it used to bee in TW cuz know it's clearly not !! other thing that would boost the DW pve gameplay turn the Physical attack's in to eneregy one's ! at least the 2 tornades ! ^^ thanks for reading !

    or make the 2 tornados have aggro effect which increase your aggro from monsters

  • If this class was touched to make it better, the first thing would be to increase base focus for Warrior (aka home class for SK & DW) would make it much better in the longer run for both classes. Coming to Dark Warrior, I suggest that Powerful Roar gets a buff in it's sucess making it a 100% success chance to taunt targets, and to make it last for 20 seconds, instead of 11 seconds. And coming to skills Energy siege definitely needs something like "damage Increased when critical hit is successful " boost and this is only fair since Self destruction wave has the same effect, or just boost it's base energy damage, which will make it stronger without any boosts from Criticals or Attacking from behind. Sharp slice needs to be changed to Energy instead of Physical -.-, in this way you would accomplish the task of making this class better at tanking and a better at dealing damage without messing too much with balance :D

  • If this class was touched to make it better, the first thing would be to increase base focus for Warrior (aka home class for SK & DW) would make it much better in the longer run for both classes. Coming to Dark Warrior, I suggest that Powerful Roar gets a buff in it's sucess making it a 100% success chance to taunt targets, and to make it last for 20 seconds, instead of 11 seconds. And coming to skills Energy siege definitely needs something like "damage Increased when critical hit is successful " boost and this is only fair since Self destruction wave has the same effect, or just boost it's base energy damage, which will make it stronger without any boosts from Criticals or Attacking from behind. Sharp slice needs to be changed to Energy instead of Physical -.-, in this way you would accomplish the task of making this class better at tanking and a better at dealing damage without messing too much with balance :D

    Okay so you'r asking for DW to bee best classe in the game !! op tank , and op damage ! xD base focus shouldn't increase to push tank's take focus golves ! tank isn't supossed to deal Damage xD

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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