Hello everyone,
I just have a question and it is that will there me more ssj forms or not
Give your opinion or your thoughts.
Hello everyone,
I just have a question and it is that will there me more ssj forms or not
Give your opinion or your thoughts.
No, this is something what have a lot of discussion. in some place of this foro maybe you can look those post.
No, this is something what have a lot of discussion. in some place of this foro maybe you can look those post.
umm u can tell me your opinion.
The problem is what if we give human class ssj2, what will the majin class get and the namek class get? Can't just expect to give human class ssj2 and maybe even 3 without the other races getting a buff also.
is easy. we dont have other transformations for majin and namek...so this is the reason why dont have super sayain 2,3 etc
There are some idea: (fusion etc) but for now and future we arent going super sayain 2,3
Human got like 0.001% saiyan blood i don't think that human could be able to master and maintain ssj2/3.
Human got like 0.001% saiyan blood i don't think that human could be able to master and maintain ssj2/3.
yes, is true. other problem is the EP jaja
The problem is what if we give human class ssj2, what will the majin class get and the namek class get? Can't just expect to give human class ssj2 and maybe even 3 without the other races getting a buff also.
U do have a point. Maybe those two can get something more different
U do have a point. Maybe those two can get something more different
Maybe yes, but it will be some lore-breaking stuff...since i dont remember Buu having a stronger phase than kid buu, and nameks only have that gigant namek..maybe for namek they could make something like what happened with picollo, that another namek sacrificed to fuse his energy with him and give him more strength but for buus....it would be something really wierd to think about.
Hello everyone,
I just have a question and it is that will there me more ssj forms or not
Give your opinion or your thoughts.
Doubt it, as said before, for humans to get ssj 2-3 the other classes need to get something too its a MMO afterall everything has to have a bit of balance so people get encouraged to play different roles, imagine a DBO without any dende
Maybe yes, but it will be some lore-breaking stuff...since i dont remember Buu having a stronger phase than kid buu, and nameks only have that gigant namek..maybe for namek they could make something like what happened with picollo, that another namek sacrificed to fuse his energy with him and give him more strength but for buus....it would be something really wierd to think about.
Doubt it, as said before, for humans to get ssj 2-3 the other classes need to get something too its a MMO afterall everything has to have a bit of balance so people get encouraged to play different roles, imagine a DBO without any dende
Humans only have a small percentage of Saiyan blood, thats why they have to wish for SSJ and cant get it themselves. We probably don't be getting any new transformations as it would break the balance of the game
Delete SSJ, Great namek and Pure majin, add Potential Unleashed for dragon balls. Potential unleashed (like ssj with white aura) and classes get same bonus like 15% speed attack, 10% more hit rate, 30% movement or something. Now some of transforms are unbalanced...
I'd rather to have more TMQs, UDs, Events, etc.
Delete SSJ, Great namek and Pure majin, add Potential Unleashed for dragon balls. Potential unleashed (like ssj with white aura) and classes get same bonus like 15% speed attack, 10% more hit rate, 30% movement or something. Now some of transforms are unbalanced...
Kaioken already do something like that.
you should all kill yourselves no one likes bl acks neither kids you ugly small shets quit and die you should all kill yourselves no one likes bl acks neither kids you ugly small shets quit and die you should all kill yourselves no one likes bl acks neither kids you ugly small shets quit and die you should all kill yourselves no one likes bl acks neither kids you ugly small shets quit and die you should all kill yourselves no one likes bl acks neither kids you ugly small shets quit and die
Why so racist bro ? Why so mad bro ?
If you read the DBO Story, you'll have your answer to questions like this. You can't have SSJ2 cuz in DBO world Humans only have a little bit of saiyan blood left in their bodies. They are more Humans than Saiyan. Pretty much a real buffed Krillin xD
And since they can't reach SSJ on their own, they have to ask Shenron to unlock that hidden power. Although this was done to have some game content too xD
Also why do so many ppl wanna have SSJ2 or more lmao. We are fighting damn Saibamen mobs lol. Imagine turning SSJ2 just to take down an ultra Saibamen mob. Vegeta would literally come back alive and kill all humans for being a dishonor hahahahaha
No, there will not be any future transformations. This is due to Daneos's lack of modeling knowledge and the way DBO was built which causes it to be difficult to make any model changes/additions/removals due to how uniquely DBO was made.
If you want a "New transformation look", you should head on over to the modding section of the forum, you can find some cool mods that will make you look like a Super Sayain God, Super Sayain Blue, Rose, etc.
No there will be no more SSJ transformations. It would imbalance the game.
Lets say if super saiyan blue is going to be added, you can provide namekian with god ki form and blue eyes, while buu getting red aura, rage form. The thing is, to implement this, would need daneos to break away from the lore a slight amount. Similar to dragon ball z.
If you read the DBO Story, you'll have your answer to questions like this. You can't have SSJ2 cuz in DBO world Humans only have a little bit of saiyan blood left in their bodies. They are more Humans than Saiyan. Pretty much a real buffed Krillin xD
And since they can't reach SSJ on their own, they have to ask Shenron to unlock that hidden power. Although this was done to have some game content too xD
Also why do so many ppl wanna have SSJ2 or more lmao. We are fighting damn Saibamen mobs lol. Imagine turning SSJ2 just to take down an ultra Saibamen mob. Vegeta would literally come back alive and kill all humans for being a dishonor hahahahaha
Yup. If we get pure SSJ transformation we would be overpowered. They added this poor imitation of super saiyan becouse
"WHAT? THIS IS DRAGON BALL MMORPG AND I CAN'T EVEN BE ICONIC SUPER SAIYAN? that's why we are tired after ssj end and got small boosts to stats, and we never get ssj2.
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