• First of all i want to apologize for my bad english thats not my mother tongue but im pretty sure you will understand the reason of this post.

    Im an active player ingame but not this much in this forum. The reason i want to write, is because of the wipe many ppls want. This is not the solution for this game ! How many times in the future you want wipe the game again ? Many ppl spent a lot of real money and lifetime in this game so its naturally you can get better stuff by cashing. Most ppl dont understand this is a private server with no money background. Cashers or at beginning the founders take their part of revive this game.

    Most people who wants this bullshit wipe is the majority of players who never spent 1€ for this game but are making trouble because there are gamer with stuff +15!? This is a pay to win Game !!

    i know there are many bugusers with cheated Stuff dont wanna safe them, but i think the Team of DBOG in front Daneos knows how to liberate us from this maggots without wipe again and destroy all work of ppl who spent money and work hard for the stuff they got.

    Thats my opionion.

    Know we are a democrazy ? lets Vote then for or against this wipe. BUT! let only votes the Founders of this Game . Im sure a MOD can do it .

    My opionion is no wipe !! there are many other possibility to clear and make the game better.

  • Most people who wants this bullshit wipe is the majority of players who never spent 1€ for this game but are making trouble because there are gamer with stuff +15!?

    I can guarantee that I've spent more than 1€ and put much more efforts into this game than any existing "Founder" and I still choose the wipe.

    Quote from JO80

    BUT! let only votes the Founders of this Game . Im sure a MOD can do it


    but i think the Team of DBOG in front Daneos knows how to liberate us from this maggots without wipe

    You think? I can guarantee to you that there's no way you can find out who cheated to get +15 and who honestly got their gear to +15. And this is not the main reason why most people wants the wipe. I won't explain to you why because you won't understand anyway.

  • En

    If you try to implement new things by overwriting the others you can generate instability...

    Instability is what they will generate to the community if they perform the unwanted deletion by half of the players of this game, and I dare to say that a large percentage of players do not know this information because it is very badly informed, and the forum is unknown because many just enter to play and have fun, nevertheless realized the deletion people will leave, that if it is a real instability

  • En

    Puedo garantizar que gasté más de 1 € y puse muchos más esfuerzos en este juego que cualquier otro "Fundador" existente en este juego y aún así elijo un borrado.

    Discriminación . Tu actitud es dura.

    ¿Crees? Puedo asumir que no hay manera de que puedas descubrir quién hizo trampa para obtener +15 y quién consiguió su equipo para +15 de manera legítima. Y esta no es la razón principal por la cual la mayoría quiere una limpieza. No te explicaré por qué, porque de todos modos no lo entenderás.

    I would appreciate it if you could tell us your reasons, because in the voting forum everyone points to the economy in +15, and the articles in level 70. (Do not be so hard on him, it is difficult to ignore the promise of a year ago and that they want to eliminate it).

  • En

    Instability is what they will generate to the community if they perform the unwanted deletion by half of the players of this game, and I dare to say that a large percentage of players do not know this information because it is very badly informed, and the forum is unknown because many just enter to play and have fun, nevertheless realized the deletion people will leave, that if it is a real instability


    Half of players? There are more ppl that want a wipe than not want a wipe so far. So you're wrong. Also you telling me that if it was the other way around i could come here and write what you wrote? xD

    People are legit voting. You can't say doing the result is wrong cuz others didn't want it lmao. There are a lot of things that got changed that other ppl and me didn't want? Anyone cared? Nope.

    Also it's not an excuse to say "they are badly informed and don't know about the forum" lmao. What the f*ck is this? What information do they not know? How bad the state of the game is? All the information is out there. Every damn game has a forum. If you play a game without signing up on Forum to keep up with news etc. it's your own faut. No one else is to blame.

    What you just wrote is just a pathetic attempt of an excuse. You have to be kidding us if you are 100% serious about what you just wrote.

    This is a Signature. Thanks for reading.

    You learned nothing.

    Wasted your time.

    Also thanks for reading all the way

    down here.

    Enjoy the emoticon.


    *got f*cked hard by Upgrading on July 8th 2018*


  • En

    If you do not talk about what you think about why it should have been erased, a nice answer will arrive, so try harder, and without being sarcastic, 52% vs 48% and 5 days left, it's totally even, it's an approximate half, in Regarding the information, those who vote wipe, most are people who use the forum and cash payment in the game, not so the users who have never paid and who are not using the forum often

  • En

    If you do not talk about what you think about why it should have been erased, a nice answer will arrive, so try harder, and without being sarcastic, 52% vs 48% and 5 days left, it's totally even, it's an approximate half, in Regarding the information, those who vote wipe, most are people who use the forum and cash payment in the game, not so the users who have never paid and who are not using the forum often

    Sorry to butt in but the "no wipe" side has people that made multiple accounts to vote. We are up by almost half with legit votes.

  • En

    like on the side of those who voted yes, there are many illegitimate accounts

    Yes, but the most fake voters are on No Wipe lmao. All fake ones won't count anyways but that just means there are way more ppl who voted for Yes than for No.

    Also there are many ppl who didn't donate and still want a wipe. That's also a lame excuse to say that only cashers want a wipe lol. And as i said, using a Forum of a Game that you play is standard. If you do not do this, it is your own fault. That is also not an excuse. If you play a game, sign up on the Forum for it to keep up with the News regarding the Game!!!!

    This Vote is a fair one no matter how you look at it. Don't make up excuses pls.

    This is a Signature. Thanks for reading.

    You learned nothing.

    Wasted your time.

    Also thanks for reading all the way

    down here.

    Enjoy the emoticon.


    *got f*cked hard by Upgrading on July 8th 2018*


  • besides it is on the topic of spreading that does not want wipe mano begin to accept and finished, you say that will stop playing that will make college work this and excuse because I work and I do college and I want to wipe without excuses goes ..

    sorry my english is not very good

  • totally the opposite of what you said

    the cashers will benefit from this cuz they will get their cash back

    but how about ppl like me?
    im not p2w but i play day and night to get stronger

    farming,leveling,putting so much effort on this game to get dogis,gears,to make +10 gear takes like 3 months for me cuz im not a casher

    that happened twice for me but a third time?

    thats too much

    i would had cashed but for some reasons i can't


  • It's safe to say that 36%-40% doesn't want a wipe, anyway let's skip this as doesn't lead to anywhere. Many people doesn't use forum accounts, that's there fault, is also bad administration the way the vote happened as just probably a 80% of users voted and i don't really care about that.

    What matters and what Yamcha was saying is that it would be nice to explain why a wipe is needed when the problem are the +15 items, because we know that those 60 are going to be like a 70 +9 or +10 at best, so is not a problem at all, not right now.

    We also know as you do (i guess) that level 70 in game armors and weapons can be deleted and they are justa few, something that can be fixed without a wipe, when you care about something you just don't do the easy thing to do and try to do the hard but right thing, which should require more effort.

    If you are going to answer me, try to focus on the subject (the usefulness of +15 lvl60 gear and the lvl 70 gear deletion) without insults or whatever it may occur to you.

  • Actually,No wipe is the winner,chinese don‘’t have Forum account,so During the voting time, a large number of Chinese players just started to sign up for an account.In fact, there are 300 Chinese players who choose no wipe.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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