Cash Shop Point Change?

  • Hey Everyone,

    I wanted to get your feedback on something we've been mulling over for a while, and it's a change I didn't want to just make without asking the players first. I am at a crossroads professionally, and I am trying to decide if I can work on DBOG full time or not. DBOG historically is not profitable, we don't make money doing this. Most of us work for free, and those of us who do make a little money doing this make it because we have other jobs that can subsidize DBOG's losses. DBOG doesn't generate money for a multitude of reasons.

    As you know, when we restarted the server, we refunded all of the cash points ever spent. We also gave away a lot of Wagu Coins the first Halloween, and we greatly reduced the cost of things in the shop, and greatly increased the value of using Wagu Coins with things like the WP Shop and Gambler title track. Long story short, the community is absolutely flush with cash points, and it will still be several more years before you guys run out of the banked cash points.

    We like that you guys can get almost everything for free, and we like how free to play the game is. However, there is a line where things being too free and too available can start to harm a game. For example, we've faced a lot of criticism that previously rare outfits are not as rare or valuable anymore, and that's valid criticism. Another one of the downsides is, the more free everything is, and the less money the game makes, the less time we have to work on it, because we have to spend our time working other jobs.

    Finding where that line is can be hard, and that's why I need your help. I want to pose an idea to you guys, and get your feedback on it. What if we increase the cost of everything in the cash shop, and then increase the amount of points you get for donating? This would mean that for people donating now, nothing changes, you still get the same things at the same cheap prices, but the number of points it costs would go up. However, for people with legacy cash points from before the wipe, their cash points would lose value. Can you give me your feedback on that?


    Should we increase the cash point cost and donation rewards by something like x5 or x10? As an example, something that costs 20 now would cost 200, but donating $5 would get you 1000 points instead of 100, if we did the x10 idea.


    • Devalues old cash points without angering relatively new donators
    • Possibly makes the project profitable, increasing the amount of time we can spend on it


    • Devalues old cash points, potentially angering the old players with a lot of points
    • Could kill the cash shop completely if the change or the motive behind it is misunderstood
  • Hi Verdant,

    Thanks for letting us all know about the changes you've had in mind and for approaching the community first.

    Dogis right now where they stand, are honestly worthless. It's too the point where I've seen people offer new players who join the game a full kit of cosmetics.

    It's made the Auction house system with dogi's pointless, and where the money you make from a cosmetic is not valuable. There will still be cheap dogi's in the game, and cosmetics will still be obtainable, but I don't think this is going to have severe repercussions as people think.

    It was even harder to obtain dogi's back in DBO KR and TW, where cosmetics where all wagu exclusive, and where there was a limited amount. I remember my brother buying the future trunks dogi and it was worth over 1 bil, he was the only person in the game to have it apart from GM's (it was that rare).

    But this isn't going to be the case.

    I'm for it if it helps motivate and support the game more, as that's what I value. Most players rarley complained about the cosmetic market back in DBO KR/TW, because it's become a standard in games (especially MMO's) where it's harder to get what you like.

    I also would love to see cosmetics implemented as rewards throughout the game, for example integrated more into budokai, scramble. dojo war, PVE, and drops (rare drops). It would be more challenging and exciting to earn that way and would give players more of an incentive. However, this is a conversation for another day which would most likely come in 2.0

    Thanks again for all the hard work you do! You have my vote.

  • In my opinion, working intensively and continuously without achieving good profits leads to a failure in the continuity of the game So you are right in what you said ، Most of the successful games achieve huge financial profits, and this is what makes them advance more.

    For my part, I support your decision, but adding new things to the store does not make the player regret spending his money in the game.

    Good luck and I hope to see the game in permanent progress.

  • devalue but add new items.

    We are about to release a bunch of cool stuff, that's why I wanted to get the poll out before then, to see what you guys think.

    I think this would (probably [temporarily])) make dogis a bit rarer, because the vast majority of cash points that get used are the legacy ones. We do have all those plans for cosmetics implemented as in game rewards, with the rarest being things you get for doing the hardest stuff in game, like winning budokais. I appreciate your feedback!

    In my opinion, working intensively and continuously without achieving good profits leads to a failure in the continuity of the game So you are right in what you said ، Most of the successful games achieve huge financial profits, and this is what makes them advance more.

    For my part, I support your decision, but adding new things to the store does not make the player regret spending his money in the game.

    Good luck and I hope to see the game in permanent progress.

    Thank you for playing and supporting us! I'll keep all this mind. Thanks guys!

  • Hello friend

    I am in favor of x10, if you have to do this so that the game does not die and that the server can work longer, I agree with these changes, I hope everything goes well, that many more new things arrive, that the game becomes profitable , that the budo, the CC and the scramble are worth much more, that it changes for the better. Greetings and welcome these new changes

    Hola amigo Verd

    Estoy a favor del x10, si tienes que hacer esto para que el juego no muera y que puedan trabajarle mas tiempo al servidor, estoy de acuerdo con esos cambios, espero todo salga bien, que lleguen muchas mas cosas nuevas, que se rentabilice el juego, que los budo, el CC y el scramble valga mucho mas la pena, que cambie para bien. Saludos y bienvenidos esos nuevos cambios

  • Hello my friend, thank you for your feedback! Don't worry, the game is not in any danger of dying. I am just gathering feedback from the players. Thanks for everything!


  • Here's my take on it.. I think you made a mistake from the beginning, making cash shop available to everyone and removing any special value from it. It's an ageless rule for private servers, they are kept up by the cash shop. It incetivates people to donate to the server, giving them a small advantage over the people who don't and that's okay. I'm not saying put u70's, but put some special items that can only be bought through donation otherwise you will never, ever be able to make it your full time. There is literally no point in donating at all, unless you want to help out the server of course (but let's not kid ourselves, that's a very low amount of people). All the items are available in the wagu and the token shop. The dogis have no value, there are no special dogis that can only be obtained by donation. You did a good thing by releasing all those new dogis, but then you also put them in the wagu machine, like what? Why would you do that?

    Anyway, your idea might work but please, put special items in it. Items that can only be obtained through donation. You will see a difference immediately.

  • Here's my take on it.. I think you made a mistake from the beginning, making cash shop available to everyone and removing any special value from it. It's an ageless rule for private servers, they are kept up by the cash shop. It incetivates people to donate to the server, giving them a small advantage over the people who don't and that's okay. I'm not saying put u70's, but put some special items that can only be bought through donation otherwise you will never, ever be able to make it your full time. There is literally no point in donating at all, unless you want to help out the server of course (but let's not kid ourselves, that's a very low amount of people). All the items are available in the wagu and the token shop. The dogis have no value, there are no special dogis that can only be obtained by donation. You did a good thing by releasing all those new dogis, but then you also put them in the wagu machine, like what? Why would you do that?

    Anyway, your idea might work but please, put special items in it. Items that can only be obtained through donation. You will see a difference immediately.

    We do items that can only be gotten through donations, but we only do it once a year. I don't like restricting things like that, I think the cash shop can be fair for everyone.

  • First, I would like to expose my annoyance because a week before the Cash Shop rework update, I bought a rare dogi for 500kk, after the update, it was valued at 5kk, I spent some time saving that money to buy something rare and you did that, as much as i understand your intent, its not fair to me but ok, i just wanted to vent.

    now my opinion is that you should put something that you only buy for Cash, but something that won't change the experience of other players.
    for example, exclusive dogis for donors and if possible it has (account binds) for example the 2021 Capsule. thus making the dogi exclusive to that person; Or even a different mount or pet.
    Have you thought about putting shelong as a pet to follow you? many people will donate to get a simple pet.

    You are a good admin, verdant. you have done a good job.

  • First of im glad you finally figured this out, this is a serious project and you SHOULD make money out of this without feeling any kind of way, after all we PAY you for what you give us i dont even like the term Donation this aint Charity. You provide value for us therefore we pay to keep the server up AND your real life expenses why do i feel a kind of stigma around this ? This is Capitalism baby! If this would lead to having a bigger workforce for this server to grow and add new stuff then it should be an astounding yes.

    2nd. Yes 10x the Cashpoints all other servers are doing it and we should too, this is essential for both the longevity of the server and the in game economy which SHOULD collide with the purchasing value. And if this would give you more time to work on the Game well shiiit its a proc! This is what this game is missing and what also makes it kind of boring. P2W has got a bad rep but thats only the case when it is done wrong. Players SHOULD be able to pay2progress in order to catch up to old players. I encountered dozens of players who said i would just cash in if i could. That aint p2w, its a push to catchup. Especially for items in abundance like Silverboxes , Tickets , So id like to add some recommendations aswell which brings me to the

    3rd. Add +15 Tickets [2days]+[15days] To the CashShop . There only worth like 15kk and everybody gets some at some point to either test out a class or put on Budo gear variatons. I dont understand why this would be observed as "p2w" theyre not even rare we pass em around like candy in game. JUST DO IT and make em pricey so ppl dont go overboard. ALSO add lvl70's , you can get an alt to 70 in like a day its just a boring Hussle why not use visa power for this ? If not lvl up70's then atleast lvlup 60's but 30 aint enough! If i wanna bringa new player into this and he had to quest to 70 he'd quit before 55. Maybe dont have them in the Cashshop at the launch of a new leveling patch but add them a couple months later for new players and alts to catchup. This will surely get you the money you need to never work a day in your life again and just spend the rest of your days developing the game we all love. Im 100% behind this. SilverBoxes are ABUNDANT if you have alts anyway so why not throw those in aswell ? Maybe do it through the event coints which for some reason you made them bind only in cashshop which was a waste of money for a lot of us :v. In general, try and add more VALUE to the CashShop so it would be worth to even purchase in the first place. And DONT make them Bind. Rare Dogis aint even a thing anymore make sure the NEXT COOL DOGIS you're releasing DO bind and they dont have to be annivarsary, make more VIP special stuff for supporting the server. Nothing wrong with it and everyone is longing for it , Its what makes us UNIQUE in game trust me. You're never going to be compared to a greedy Daneos because you actually do listen to people and take the server seriously. I still cant believe you work a regular job and run such an amazing game at the same time! Imagine if you actually put all your work in here. This is a no brainer Just do it!

    4th. This has nothing to do with the post but its pretty important. Revenue is nice and all but we are all ignoring the capital. And we've been ignoring the capital for a LONG ASS TIME. What i mean by capital is MORE purchasing power which means MORE people which means MORE marketing, marketing the game would bring tons of new people in and in turn much more revenue , a more alive less boring more competitive game and a whole new fresh air of DBO. Now hear me out. This is Dragon Ball we're talking about ,260 million fans world wide LOOK AT HOW BIG THIS FKN MARKET IS. 10k players is a JOKE for such a good Dragonball game , and an MMO too! It was ALWAYS underrated we all know that but it simply never got the eyes or the screentime thats all, Never been viewed or advertised succesfully to an International Audience. What im tryna say is we need to up our marketing and by marketing i mean Social Media content Youtube,TikTok etc. and i dont mean the typical fighting videos with anime music playback. I mean like well constructed explanatory,pvp,pve,guide,meme videos which showcases the game in a new light. And give emphasis on the crazy tiktok algorithm which is filled with our exact audience. I could help with that if you wanna DM me. Its a Topic that needs addressing if you ever want to expand the server and stop depending on the same ol players that leave and return every couple of months

    Other than that, Good shit Keep it Up This is the right path and EXACTLY what we ALL need either most people understand it or not.Most of the playerbase cant comprehend whats going on behind the scenes they just log on and play their game, a proper business should be cultivated if you want both the server and community to grow. Tax them mf's.... And all these should be taken into account before the Next Patch because OBVIOUSLY thats when you wanna market something at the games Peak!

  • Anything that can help this game go forward and help you guys that spend countless hours working on it, it's worth the vote, my vote is yes. Can't wait to see what's next for DBOG. I've helped this server since 2013 or 2014, don't remember anymore, as founders and with donations, and I believe that the game is in it's best state so far, sure, still there's a lot of work to do, and this is the best way to deliver it, specially 2.0 and new content! Thank you for everything, Verdant, I'll keep supporting this game until I die, hahaha

  • First, I would like to expose my annoyance because a week before the Cash Shop rework update, I bought a rare dogi for 500kk, after the update, it was valued at 5kk, I spent some time saving that money to buy something rare and you did that, as much as i understand your intent, its not fair to me but ok, i just wanted to vent.

    now my opinion is that you should put something that you only buy for Cash, but something that won't change the experience of other players.
    for example, exclusive dogis for donors and if possible it has (account binds) for example the 2021 Capsule. thus making the dogi exclusive to that person; Or even a different mount or pet.
    Have you thought about putting shelong as a pet to follow you? many people will donate to get a simple pet.

    You are a good admin, verdant. you have done a good job.

    I'm sorry you lost zeni on that, it wasn't my intention. I just want things to be as fair and free as possible. I think we will add more things that are exclusive to the cash shop, that are cosmetic only, at some point. I've been sitting on those because I want to try to do some cool things with that + titles, etc.

    This is good feedback, thank you! I'm still not sure we should add Silver Boxes or Upgrade Coupons though. We also don't market very much for a reason.

    Anything that can help this game go forward and help you guys that spend countless hours working on it, it's worth the vote, my vote is yes. Can't wait to see what's next for DBOG. I've helped this server since 2013 or 2014, don't remember anymore, as founders and with donations, and I believe that the game is in it's best state so far, sure, still there's a lot of work to do, and this is the best way to deliver it, specially 2.0 and new content! Thank you for everything, Verdant, I'll keep supporting this game until I die, hahaha

    Thank you so much for your support, we love you guys!


    The idea is fine but they should add more things to give more life to the cash shop, many useless things are very dead.

    We're going to add quite a bit more pretty soon, I hope!

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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