Hey Everyone,
As you might have heard, recently a few dozen players have had their accounts stolen. All evidence points to these players using the same username + password for other DBO servers. Malicious administrators of those servers then took those credentials, and came here to log into the accounts and steal gear. We aren't ignoring your tickets, we are currently discussing amongst staff the best way to handle the situation, as it's never happened before. It is a non-trivial amount of investigation to look through all the logs for each of these accounts that have had their items stolen, and it would cost us a lot of time with what we're currently working on, which is adding bug fixes/functionality to the launcher, and working on 2.0. We're not sure if we should intervene in this situation or not, or the best way to intervene given that this is something that has never happened before. It is always a bad idea to reuse usernames and passwords on the internet, especially MMO private servers. If you guys could leave your feedback on how you'd like to see this handled, we'll take that into consideration when working on how we'll help the players who lost items.