To put this bluntly; It's truly deplorable to realize that Danes has the *Audacity* to demand money form us to play what was originally a free game. I've witnessed countless threads wherein I'm astonished to see how many fanboys are moronic enough to cough up money for the cash shop- And even worse- Defending such a deplorable system.
Dragon ball online Revelations was, has been, and always will be a supportive community offering a free and superior experience for True Dragon Ball online fans: And once Daenose reads this my account will be terminated, but I expect nothing less from a megalomaniacal kumquat such as Daenos.
To the community: I bid thy farewell; This game has supported many a good players, and I will immediately concede that It's been a pleasure to meet with most,EDIT: Nevermind; my intention wasn't to insult any of you, however evidenced by your derision, it's obvious that your responses serve only to berate the opposition. I respect everyone's opinion, and I was only expressing my own. I reiterate: I will not support a Pay to Win community:
To Daenos: You disgust me; Having the gall to demand money from players to access services that provide an obvious advantage over other players..?! You have the audacity to incessantly ridicule the DBOR community, their members, and even force one of their main workers into submission?! From the moment I've heard of these allegations, I've awestruck-! Note that this isn't directed to the moderators; To them I sincerely appreciate your effort and contribution put into the community; this criticism applies only to Daenos.
I'm not too keen on profanity; and I'm aware that this thread will receive an insta-deletion, but it's not surprising once you realize how pathetic Daenos is; He has, on a multitude of occasions, ridiculed a community that has offered on several occasions to assist the development of the game. Daenos only cares about the money in your pockets..!
Farewell, Dragon Ball Global.