First Kid Tournament!

  • Hi DBOG Community!

    After checking the results on the latest poll, I decided to launch the first kid tournament as a test for hopefully future tournaments during POB!

    Without further ado, here are the rules of the tourney:

    1st POB Kid Tournament

    - 32 participants will take part of this test tournament, meaning that if the amount of players signed up exceeds 32 , the extra ones are sadly out(I know there are ways to add more people, but I want to keep it simple guys). If there isn't enough, I'll reduce the number to 16.
    - The battles will take place in cc ranked arena. Players are to take screenshots of each round results and then send'em to me at the end of the match through discord for verification.
    - Autopots and dogis with property balls are not allowed. Any other item allowed in cc ranked is allowed (regular and sit potions...).
    - There are still some bugs in ranked that can be abused (like slow bug). If you really want to have more tournaments, do not abuse these bugs. I'll listen to complaints if there is anyone breaking the rules, but remember that if this slows the tourney process I won't try to host another tournament. So please don't be selfish, play fair and have fun.

    How to sign-up? Through Private Message/Conversations tab in the forums, with the following information:

    Subject: CHARACTER NAME - 1st Kid Tournament Sign-up

    Character name:
    Screenshot of your char (if possible):

    I won't accept any sign-up as a reply of this thread, as a matter of fact those will be deleted without notice. Reply only with questions or suggestions, and remember to keep it civil.

    Sign-ups will be closed once we hit the max participants or on wednesday. I'll announce then the date of tourney (most likely weekend/sunday so everyone can attend). If anyone wants to help out with organization or even possible prizes (I know I said no prizes, but there are some people willing to chip in already), just pm me.

    Don't be late or you might miss it!


    Aru :dpeace:

  • The ranked system will determine the winner based on who has the total most LP left at the timer countdown? You can save your LP med for this moment (if you can use them ) but you run the risk of not healing during the battle too ;)

    I have a question.
    How to decide the winner if both sides are alive when time is up every round?
    This quite often happened in old DBO kid budokai.

  • i didn't get it.... how to play the tounoment....

    1. Have a lvl 29 character. Gear it properly.
    2. Submit your sign-up to me through private message/conversations with the info required below.
    3. Be online when the tournament happens.
    4. Try to win or at least have fun.

    You are done.

    BTW, I'm not getting that many submissions, if we don't hit enough numbers the tourney might not happen...

  • That could lead to an unfair advantage to other players who will then be able to tell who and what they're up against in terms of class race and name, people could find those players in game and scan their gear and then equip themselves with things that would do more damage against them.

    maybe its easier if you allow sign up as a reply in a seperated ''sign up'' threat.

  • That could lead to an unfair advantage to other players who will then be able to tell who and what they're up against in terms of class race and name, people could find those players in game and scan their gear and then equip themselves with things that would do more damage against them.

    it wouldn't really matter kid budokai is more about skills if anything, having good gear is just a bonus

  • maybe its easier if you allow sign up as a reply in a seperated ''sign up'' threat.

    The point of this kind of events is not only to have fun, but get the community involved and acknowledge the ways they have to communicate and exchange with DBOG staff. If community members can't make the effort of doing a couple of extra clicks in order to help me organize better the events, it's of no use me trying to push and spend more time organizing them.

    So please guys, get involved, tell your friends about it!

  • Aru there is somthing that players abuse that shouldn't bee allowed !! going behind the 4 things in the ccbattel ( les pilié a la cons ) so once they are bhind them they become untargetabel !! it shouldn't bee allowed

  • Aru there is somthing that players abuse that shouldn't bee allowed !! going behind the 4 things in the ccbattel ( les pilié a la cons ) so once they are bhind them they become untargetabel !! it shouldn't bee allowed

    Is it a bug? I don't think so. It might be annoying but it is still just another way to avoid ranged attack/debuffs. 2 dashes should be more than enough to counter it and it is also a risky move as they expose themselves to an easy ring out.

    On another topic, I will extend the sign-ups, so far I got 8-9 people registered but I would really love having 16 at least. C'mon guys, I'm sure many of you have a 29 char or can make one pretty quick, let's have some fun! Cheers :D

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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    • =O
    • :!:
    • :?:
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