personally i just gave up, i tried stayong in one spot and killing ll the mobs in an area then swithcing channels and doing that but i got 0 mobs that way. I then tryed flying around and couldent find any mobs found like 4 in 10min so i just gave up i didnt want o grind 2 hours again for no payoff. also for the people saying stop crying that isnt really constructive or helpful in anyway and your part of the toxic community, maybe suggest a method for farming instead of being a edgy 12 year old
How was DB hunt today? 17-03-2018
personally i just gave up, i tried stayong in one spot and killing ll the mobs in an area then swithcing channels and doing that but i got 0 mobs that way. I then tryed flying around and couldent find any mobs found like 4 in 10min so i just gave up i didnt want o grind 2 hours again for no payoff. also for the people saying stop crying that isnt really constructive or helpful in anyway and your part of the toxic community, maybe suggest a method for farming instead of being a edgy 12 year old
I waited a weak and i didn't finish mine i got 4 dragon ball all in the last 20 min. lost hope too even if i got 4, can't wait another weak
i'm not even sure if i'm gona get the rest because the chance is tooo low.
I got 5, most of my guild members got between 3 and 5. The droprate was not that bad (or maybe i'm just lucky). They should add an extra day for hunting, that would probably fix the problem.
I got 9 for myself and help like 2 friend get 1 each
I said already in another thread. Humans, stop your stealing moves!
Example for today in both hunts together: 30-40 steals by humans! Okay, 2 times it was a majin...anyway, stop stealing!
I got 5 of them and the drop rates are fine ,all scouters works great specially from the caves if you can locate hidden scouter merchants there.
Drop rate is fine, I usually get about 4 balls an hour on average. All about tactics.
However, there should be one or two more periods for db hunt because of time zone discrepancies. Increasing the number of db hunt events is a reasonable alternative instead of increasing db mobs.
Drop rate is fine, I usually get about 4 balls an hour on average. All about tactics.
However, there should be one or two more periods for db hunt because of time zone discrepancies. Increasing the number of db hunt events is a reasonable alternative instead of increasing db mobs.
I totally agree, alot of people cant play on saturdays bcse of work,family,sports etc...
I dont think that forthem it would be a big problem to add an extra day of DB hunt.
When is the event i totally missed it , can u post time ?
I totally agree, alot of people cant play on saturdays bcse of work,family,sports etc...
I dont think that forthem it would be a big problem to add an extra day of DB hunt.
I was lucky this Saturday to participate in the event but for the next one. I don't think so
I notice the people that have been quite fortunate during DB hunt say the drop rate is fine...
Myself? 6 hours total searching and have collected 3..
Trust me, if I was getting a full set or close to pure DB event I'd say it's fine too.. but as the drop is based on luck I don't think anyone can comment personally.
I've been on the non receiving end of this 'luck' so from my perspective, I would like some small adjustments - I.e looking forward to the changes Kirito briefly mentioned.
But honestly, I think people need to take a step back here despite the luck you may or may not have had during the hunt and think about the purpose of this mode.. it's meant to be a challenge, of course! But in 'old man terms' shouldn't take the piss.
For me, the hardest part is waiting a week to 'try again' - maybe it wouldn't be as tedious if we have one or two more DB hunt days a week, maybe this would balance out peoples 'luck' a bit?
Either way looking forward to the adjustments.
Found 4 at morning nd 3 at evening.... got my ssj skill
bad, last week we got 14 this week we got like 6, too many people on my spot.
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