New Cash Shop Item Suggestion Thread

  • I've seen that! That's exactly what I'm looking for. Which ones are your favorites?

    Wow great you tought the same!, as i said would be cool if we can have them all, make a long list of variety dogis to choose. I personally like all the cowboy variations (right now we have 1 version and it's the most expensive dogi in game). They aren't common Dogis so don't make them something 'easy' to get but we want them in-game lol 33649-list-of-all-dogis HERE I CHOOSED hope you like it XD

  • Wow great you tought the same!, as i said would be cool if we can have them all, make a long list of variety dogis to choose. I personally like all the cowboy variations (right now we have 1 version and it's the most expensive dogi in game). They aren't common Dogis so don't make them something 'easy' to get but we want them in-game lol 33649-list-of-all-dogis HERE I CHOOSED hope you like it XD

    I do like it! Some of those are reserved for future events and for other reward types though. Several of those will be in the cash shop this month, I think. We're going to rotate them every now and then, preferably monthly but sometimes it may take a little longer.

  • Wow great you tought the same!, as i said would be cool if we can have them all, make a long list of variety dogis to choose. I personally like all the cowboy variations (right now we have 1 version and it's the most expensive dogi in game). They aren't common Dogis so don't make them something 'easy' to get but we want them in-game lol 33649-list-of-all-dogis HERE I CHOOSED hope you like it XD

    I agree with this guy. The cowboy dogi color variants are the best in the game imo. These are the two dogis that I want.

  • I think we are saving most of the cowboy ones for a future event/other rewards. I'm not sure off the top of my head if I ran across that green one yet. Looks like a recolor of the future trunks dogi, no?

    The one with the purple shirt? It's called the CC Field Engineer Trainee Outfit. I just logged in to check. I like all of the Cowboy dogis but that one in my picture is by far my favorite. I hope they aren't extremely limited whenever they do come out.

  • The one with the purple shirt? It's called the CC Field Engineer Trainee Outfit. I just logged in to check. I like all of the Cowboy dogis but that one in my picture is by far my favorite. I hope they aren't extremely limited whenever they do come out.

    With the type of event I'm planning, they should be pretty freely available.

    Sera bom pra todos, se dependesse de mim o wipe era hoje mesmo haha! Mas agora estou com esperanças que seja ainda essa semana : D^^: D; (

    Haha eu sei! Não acho que estaremos prontos esta semana, desculpe. Mas as coisas estão muito perto!

  • @additem 94001 Furry Tail gotha make it work tho..

    Micky Mouse Ears and Pants.:)

    Interesting, hadn't run across that before. I'll look into it. I'm not looking for new content though, just existing items. We've added all the new stuff we're going to add before the wipe, I think. Anything else would just push us further back.

  • Hey everyone,

    I have a general idea on some of the cosmetics for the new cash shop, and some of the items, but I could use some more ideas. Please use this thread to suggest new things you want to see in the cash shop! Keep in mind, the cash shop is going to be mostly cosmetic/superficial stuff only, so there will likely never be any pay to win stuff in there. Please help me with more ideas!

    Edit: I specifically need to know which items (that currently exist) that you'd like to see in the cash shop, namely vehicles, backpacks, and dogis. This isn't a suggestion thread for new dogi/feature ideas, although we should probably do one of those

    Hola Verdant mi idea es que en la cash shop pongas lo siguiente :

    -Puedes poner el kid clock a un precio elevado por ejemplo alrededor de 350kk para que no sea tan fácil conseguirlo

    -También puedes poner a un precio alto o considerable el cambio de nombre y género claro pero esto si quieres solo se podrá hacer una sola vez tú decides

    Muchas gracias ^^

  • Verdant

    I say that they should make the dogis have more value, which means this, that it is more difficult to get it, I have an idea, it would be good if every week there would be a rotation of dogis in the cash shop for example 10 dogis that can be bought Of one and the others should be in the wagu with somewhat low probabilities so that they take value in the game and not be filled from one moment to another with pure dogis at 10k

    what do you think the idea is not good?

  • Verdant

    I say that they should make the dogis have more value, which means this, that it is more difficult to get it, I have an idea, it would be good if every week there would be a rotation of dogis in the cash shop for example 10 dogis that can be bought Of one and the others should be in the wagu with somewhat low probabilities so that they take value in the game and not be filled from one moment to another with pure dogis at 10k

    what do you think the idea is not good?

    We had a similar idea, on a monthly scale though. I like it!

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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