In this thread, I will be posting mods I have created for the game.
Required files
*Starting Pack | MrPoPo.exe
I have left a guide inside of the Mod Set 1.rar file, it teaches you about injecting mods into your game (and lets you export the textures in DBO). I have left an old sound modding tool in there (created by DGENX64 from DBOCOM).
Always run ResourceTool in Administrator mode.
This will allow you to change the hairstyles around, such as SSJ for base form hair, or maybe changing your hair to another one. But be warned, this works on every character.
Go to the "Dragon Ball Online Global" folder and then go to the "Pack" folder.
Locate and open "scr0.pak" with Notepad++
Press CTRL+F and type in "Head_Mesh"
Remember, if you have something such as the 4th hairstyle you CAN do the same things shown, just replace head01 with your head04.
Hey, mods? Move this thread to wherever it needs to be would ya?
Now, what kind of mods will you see here?
Texture mods and soon...sound mods. I plan on re-learning how to do a replacement edit to your hair, faces, and more. So if Daneos decides not to add a barber system (he should) you can edit the .pak files so you CAN have that hair!
Modding Locations-
For most of my mods, when you open ResourceTool just go to
Texture-> Item
However, some mods will not be in there. For example, the Super Saiyan Blue Aura mod is located in:
Texture -> Effect
I will make sure to add ResourceTool locations to each mod posted.
-Texture mods will almost always be for male humans/Namekians.
Why? Because I play a male character. And Namekians usually don't have its own specific set of textures, unlike Majins or females.
Now, here is a list of all the mods i have created:
*Edward Elric (Navigator Dogi) -BETA
Texture -> Item
*Better Male Pie Pie Dogi
Texture -> Item
*Super Cyan
NOTE- The aura will still have its yellow moments even if you install the blue aura texture. Since Super Saiyan is currently unavailable, you will have to locate the MrPopo.EXE file and make the game show you as a Super Saiyan. I will add a link soon.
Hair= Texture -> Item
Aura= Texture -> Effect
*Trunks- Dragon Ball Super Colors
The shoes are just green and the jacket is a bit brighter. Super didn't change his outfit up much.
*Navigator Dogi- Black
You've seen the dogi, haven't you? Yeah. Its just black instead of a dark shade of blue.
-All mods listed above (and extras) will be added to this rar file I created, just for these specific mods.-
*Kaioken Alternate Aura
*Cell Cap (Goku Cap Replacement)
*Vegeta Cap (Goku Cap Replacement)
*Lord Chin Chin (Black Devilman Color Replacement)
Noone has the Devilman dogi in game, so no screenshots. Its just a black Devilman dogi.
Texture-> Item
*Green Cunt Dogi (Green Devilman Color Replacement)
Noone has the Devilman dogi in game, so no screenshots. Its just a green Devilman dogi.
Texture-> Item
Comes with green pants (yes, Trunks has green pants under his cloak). Also comes with 2 shades of black for the pants.
Texture-> Item
Busy, so I am releasing a picture tomorrow. Its basically SSJ but black hair.
Texture-> Item
Older Goku's First Appearance (Goku Teen Recolor)
For some reason, the Teen Goku dogi is a purplish red rather than blue/yellow. I don't know if the anime did it differently or what, but I don't understand why it was changed like that.
Super Saiyan Blue Eyes (Adult Male Only)
Super Saiyan God Hair and Aura
If you have a suggestion, post it.