Hello community,
Many things are like the retail dbo now, it could be quite possible that the open beta is not as far now....
What do you think?
Hello community,
Many things are like the retail dbo now, it could be quite possible that the open beta is not as far now....
What do you think?
Sm are now trash
Sm are now trash
I feel this update not tested. The NPC teleport bug is still there, the damage formula is wierd, success rate fails a lot, and some classes make very but very low damage xD (if the chef majin had a low damage, now is more than bad xD)
I think this update was for balance some classes, but for me fails like the CD reduction.
Each update is a test, so constructive criticism is welcome. just don't completely shit on everything. point out what seems wrong and show proof or explain how you think this? that will be MUCH more helpful to daneos when fixing things
i think this one of the best updates.. of course there are things to balance and more.. but in damage terms was a good work.
My turtle is making 32k to mobs in crit like in retail dbo (not the obvuosly unbalanced 70k like before)
Have 10 or more levels from other player now matter..
buffers now are pretty necesary not only for the lp buffs
fighters dont kill 1 hit anymore..
really a great update.
Yes good update indeed, Mobs finally crit which means u need OP tankers now for end game PVE.
my mighty majin's spin attack is now worthless do to its damage output and enemies dodging and resisting more and the flying jet squirrel no longer goes faster than walking speed even with fuel added in this update has made the game very frustrating to play.
One of the best updates? no way.
*Fighters deals low crit.damage (can be like old dbo not sure)
*Crits are realy based on luck now, even with 80+ critrate.
*Still succesrate is not working even with 280+ succesrate u still missing everything.
*Even with 600+ resistance u receiving stuns and debuffs (impossible)
*DEX gear gives too much resistance, even level 60 characters with dex are able to dodge hits from +15 fighters, what the hell.
*I even see SK's dodging sometimes
*Spinning attack's are supposed to deal a way better damage then this, and still bugged. Dealing like 200 per hit on players, even Saibamans hits more.
*Even 2000+ hitrate misses
*Not sure, seems like SK bolds are nerfed too. SK + Cranes does like 2K+ bleed, realy?
*Cranes does 1.2K burn on +15 thats a joke right?
Conclusion; i think damage etc are fine, but resistance and succesrate,hitrate still needs a fix.
Only way to bypass resistance should be like old dbo, wearing good succesrate and hitrate, All classes got nerfed, even some classes are now just unplayable, and only cranes become stronger now, they already were strong enough.
Kaioken/SSJ +8 gloves mobs on papaya die by one shoot.
Now after update mobs have 2k hp left and also its much HARDER to stun them (takes 15 mobs, not even half got stunned) . A big difference, a bad difference for me
Also there's less items drop = harder to get materials for craft.
Even though for most pple this is a bad change, this is the way it was in retail DBO, PvE wasn't just a walk in the park. You actually needed to calculate the amount of mobs you aggro so you won't die. Mobs were a lot better in dodging/landing hits. The only thing that would need to change is the drop rate. Haven't tried this 'lucky drop rate' yet but we'll see how it goes.
This, this, THIS. People are crying because they can't 1 shot everythign (that's how i'm seeing it) but this is exactly what we've been trying to achieve. Retail calcs, this is good. people are way too reliant on being OP all the time just because they get to high levels.
Even though for most pple this is a bad change, this is the way it was in retail DBO, PvE wasn't just a walk in the park. You actually needed to calculate the amount of mobs you aggro so you won't die. Mobs were a lot better in dodging/landing hits. The only thing that would need to change is the drop rate. Haven't tried this 'lucky drop rate' yet but we'll see how it goes.
Something is wrong if AoE stun works on maybe 3/10 mobs, and before You use second kamehameha, You already went down from 15k LP to 2-3k... like someone said full success rate and you miss anyway... if you cash and got full +15 with ultima buffs, that iam not surprised its easy for someone.
buff sword pls :v
This, this, THIS. People are crying because they can't 1 shot everythign (that's how i'm seeing it) but this is exactly what we've been trying to achieve. Retail calcs, this is good. people are way too reliant on being OP all the time just because they get to high levels.
Its not about one shotting everything, damage is good like this. But resistance, succesrate, dots, bleed, some skills & hitrate is not like retail.
I think the Crits on Dots are a bit off.....
nothing about DW's Dragon Punishment skill?
My turtle do 50k crit in papaya with +6 weapons so I don't think crit damage was nerfed but only the crit rate,ah and the npc teleport is now bugged...,that is so annoying,when mod will fix this?
Each update is a test, so constructive criticism is welcome. just don't completely shit on everything. point out what seems wrong and show proof or explain how you think this? that will be MUCH more helpful to daneos when fixing things
Do you ever have anything good to say, seriously every post you make you say something negative 99.9% of the time and you have a lot of posts, and no ones completely shitting on anything, they're just speaking their opinion. You just needa relax.
ahaha true lol
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