can somebody make a mod which makes adult majin female has bigger breasts ?
bigger majin female breasts [MOD Request]
brah.... no comments on that request....
Man we are missing out on so much. We must have this shoulder boulders.
come on guys i'm serious here
"what kind of foolishness"
everyday we stray further from god
If that is what you want look no further than google images for Majin, but no in all seriousness I am not entirely sure how possible that is... See as though it would require knowledge on 3D modeling. IIRC the game also will crash if you import and change some of it's pre-existing models though I haven't tried this in a long time so my knowledge could be outdated.
the game right now cant import 3D models so it would be imposible as for now. Maybe in the future when we can develop ssj3 someone will make bigger boobs but still man make a male buu if you want bigger bebs..
Dbo character models are very low poly so if we made bigger boobs they would look pointy. Anywho, i guess i'll eventually get around it once i start making 3d mods.....
A bigger boobs mod? I guess we've all got interests of how we want the game to show more, haha.
Hahahahaha xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD pls add the mod
... Muten Roshi? Is that you?
... Muten Roshi? Is that you?
with buu fetish
Challenge accepted. .
The Tom Foolery is still real in the community i see LOLOL
If this mod become's a thing i'll probably start a female majin chara.
Damn it, finaly one of useful mods!!!
there is certainly someone that can give the majin female model bigger breast but....bruh
there is certainly someone that can give the majin female model bigger breast but....bruh
can somebody make a mod which makes adult majin female has bigger breasts ?
I think this thread proves that some people are using this game with secondary intentions, if you know what I mean.
I look forward to where this ends up ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)
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