Why is shadow knight so unbalanced?

  • pvp/ranked okay, but what about in arena? a human with +15 weapons can knock down a sk +12 with 2 or 3 crit. hits?? based on my own experience: NO.

    critical is no longer a big problem for SK's, they still manage to have 60% + anti-crit easy, wtf?

    This immortality of SK's in the arena is totally unfair, where they fill up with buffs and attack humans on purpose, knowing that they will not die, ridiculous.

  • sk broken just like karma and ultimate thats it

    SK is one of the strongest class for pvp but its not broken at all, at least not in this cap.

    Zephyrot, if you are fighter and you cant win against any SK, well, you are just a mediocre fighter.


    True contact between beings is established only by mute
    presence, by apparent non-communication, by that
    mysterious and wordless exchange which resembles
    inward prayer.

  • SK is one of the strongest class for pvp but its not broken at all, at least not in this cap.

    Zephyrot, if you are fighter and you cant win against any SK, well, you are just a mediocre fighter.

    Not broken at all? Beating +14 swordsman with +10 gears not broken at all. All fighters are same theres no mediocre or something. Lp % debuff and switching between props and dex all same except their gear which doesnt even help anyway

  • SK is one of the strongest class for pvp but its not broken at all, at least not in this cap.

    Zephyrot, if you are fighter and you cant win against any SK, well, you are just a mediocre fighter.

    I understand that Fighters need to be filled with accessories and equipment to handle other classes. The great problem of having all these qualities is the immortality they gain in arena.

    1> When they are filled with buffs, even the damage of a +15 stick becomes insignificant.

    2> critical hits do almost nothing with them, this when one comes out, seeing the absurd amount of anti-critical that a SK has (I did not know that a SK could die with hk ... wow, they can not!)

    3> If you try to kill a SK in arena ... well, I'll give you some options that he will have:

    - It will get a secondary character to stun you.

    - He'll ask his friends for help.

    A fighter has absolutely nothing to do against a SK in arena, only when they are alone, which never happens.

  • Do you realize that LP% recover is being ignored if you do more damage on SK than his current LP? For example if you gonna have 10k remaining LP and let's say a swordsman gonna dealt about 11k damage on you from behind, basically after that your LP% recover + autopot will be ignored and you will just die. You should really stop whining for F.. sake, this class was literally nerfed twice and you want to kill it even more. You should better ask Sendoku how he used to beat +15 SK's with his swordsman in POB backthen when SK was way more OP and Swordies were much weaker. Even though I don't like the guy but he never begged for SK nerfs like an cracker, he could compete and fight them well without a doubt. Let me also remind you that Swordsman has a great energy attack arsenal. What about you try combine them with Physical attacks? There's still plenty of ways which you haven't tried and you're begging for the shortcut. In other words you just suck.

    bruh stacking props having +13 armors none dps class will dish out 10k dmg+ none. Swordsman and fighter got nerfed crit dmg both dealing same crit dmg. +15 fighter xiaokong 11k crit vs 4.5k p def amazing. And im not whining about swordsman even tho its even worse than a POB swordsman! mixing energy attacks into physical great idea vs crafted armor players very good. And yes i do whine about sk i had +14 armors and if i failed with my combo im dead even vs sk who has fvcking +9 axe. When i abuse stun bug or something "oh its gae man wtf trash" but sk itself is a bug class with dps dmg, ulti same dealing dps classes dmg ofc im gonna whine about it who wouldnt when only 3 classes dominating now? check some other classes instead of whining about ur sk even tho u trash +15 humans with +11 gears. u playing one class and saying all other classes are good is retarded asf.

    Again, you think beating +14 swordsman with +10 gears and trash accessories is not broken?

  • I think people forget to realise that every class has its own strong and weak points.

    I myself played SK for only a week before I got bored of it, and no. SK is not a broken class. Each time I fought a human with +12 or better gear, it was an interesting fight, but since my gear was way superior to them I won by ease. And this is the mattering point, that I had +14 mudosa gear with 10+10+9 props, a fighter had to beg Daneos to crit me with every single skill just to trigger my autopot.

    Let's break down what SK has.

    Bold strike -> Can be easily countered by having anti SK set (antibleed necklace (switch to antifear after you get a bold), and high energy defense.

    The pull is usually kept level 1, so the range is low, even if you can cancel a skill of the opponent once, that doesn't do much.

    Paralysation also can be easily dodged with the anti SK set.

    The AoE stun is cool, but the duration is too low to even argue it to be a game changer skill.

    SK has high LP, but that doesn't mean much, since LP doesn't give you LP% or Defense in general, let's not pretend that tanks having +3-4k LP will make a fighter lose.

    Namekian crafted and CC armors are based on Energy defense, so to fight a fighter or swordsman (or ultimate-chef) you need high physical defense, which means you need to actually care about gearing properly, now if you can gear properly (without spending your rent money) then you should be able to argue that SK is not a broken class by any means.

    Overall : I liked to be able to beat people with a class that I had no experience with, and I also fought other sks in ranked, and majority of the time it all depended on game knowledge. Calling a class broken because it is able to 1 shot you is a bad argument.

  • SK> PVP/Ranked/Budokai = It is possible to win, if you fill with items that immunize his blows.

    SK> Arena =

    42% abs+ ultimate buff

    59% ant-crit+ pants 33% / title 5% / SK buff 25%.

    25k HP+ buffers

    4k def+ 18 prop ultimate's buff.

    Friends+ who will attack you if you are dumb enough to try to kill a SK in the arena.

    = immortality.

    Let's see this in practice:




    Ultimate can be broken equally, but it does not have that giant amount of anti-crit.

  • pants 33% anticrit.. wait what?

    That man clearly doesnt know what he is talking about.

    Full DEX and buffed Fighters are also good in tatami. Besides, they can be speed, they can confuse you, they have Storm Strike which is an awesome skill and they can low your hit rate base with debuffs. Cant see whats the point in crying over SKs and friends killing someone foolish enough to go in and try to fight 3 or 4v1. Go call your friends then. You are not making sense asking for SKs to be killed fast, they are tank class. Get used to it.

    I wonder if these guys ever played DBO TW, KR or HK, where SKs were way better than now.


    True contact between beings is established only by mute
    presence, by apparent non-communication, by that
    mysterious and wordless exchange which resembles
    inward prayer.

  • Please do us a favor and never play SK.

    And I say that in behalf of everyone who read what you said.

  • i got autism just from reading that, sorry not sorry.

  • You should never ever ever base balance off of the PVP platform. And there isn't such thing as 33% anti crit pants...

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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