Dbog is f2p or p2w?!

  • Basicly if you have the money to get everything you will make yourself comfortable with getting lvl 30 up + 200% exp, LP pots, vehicles (faster than the normal ones you get), fuel and pet exp/fusion items. About dogis/dogi balls/brown boxes there's none availlable atm in the new client but let's say they are availlable.

    What you can get from the store speeds up the progress of your character but not by a huge margin. lvl 30 up for example only grants you lvl 30, nothing more and you still need to do the quests for passives (guard, dash, charge) and need to obtain lvl 1-29 gear to deconstruct them for crafting materials as well as enough money to actually gear yourself up and this will take a few hours if not more. Lvl 30 can be obtained in 6-7 hours of gameplay as a F2P and while you lvl up you can get the materials/money to lvl up your crafting.

    All the items availlable in the shop are also availlable to obtain as a F2P once you get to a certain level or by doing event (brown boxes), yes, it does require some time and effort to get them but not a lot as other MMORPGs that are more leaning to P2W or P2P.

    The things you can buy with cash shop points are more for your own comfort without distrubting the comfort of those that do not wish to donate (shame on them!).

  • absolutely agree..but there are kids who think this game is 100% p2w..and crying for everything when they had never played tw's version back than..

  • Free to play and pay to win do not exclude each other. Usually they go together, like in this case.

    Drop enough money into the game, buy brown boxes, buy stones, get full +15 with best stats, you're up there with servers top players with no effort.

    Of course you need skill to compete with equally equipped players, but there will be very few of them

  • well my point of view is this game is completely f2p..cashers only benefit from z32 and doggi balls maybe i am missing something else..but i am not sure..i think not..free players can now take for free brown boxes and whitestones(in taiwan you couldnt get these only by cashing)..in theory cashers only have advantage in time..they can make faster progress of their character because they can buy and sell cash shop items..but time for me isnt advantage..as a free player i managed to make a very good gear without cashing anything..and now there are kids who cry for everything and flaming daneos for everything he is doing..this is lame..a lot players are ungrateful about this project and this is lame..

  • Someone who says it was f2p is blind or maybe just dumb. Of course u could achieve everything by playing playing and playing. It doesnt mean its f2p because of that... You can sell clocks, all kind of dogis when they were worth something, a lot of u70 stones before, many expensive brown boxes and You need them badly to progress in endgame. Or u can just sell ur boxed equipment via ah. Thats why wipe and new client will shine! With binded gear and fixed early problems like that stones, p2w will be limited. Probably not in 100% but i see a bright future.

  • Someone who says it was f2p is blind or maybe just dumb.

    Took the words right out of my mouth, except in reality, it's on the contrary. Before you make any foolish statements, make sure you're properly acknowledged of such terms.

    If you actually look into this abbreviation, it's simply free to play. Look up the internet, it's one of the most basic terms concerning games. There's no fee required to fully play this game. It's not pay to play nor buy to play, it's free. P2w term can apply to any of these game models. It's usually f2p model that suffers from it for obvious reasons.

    My suggestion would be to do some research before so inadequately calling everyone else blind or dumb for your own lack of knowledge and perhaps you'll figure out why this game has p2w elements to begin with.

  • Only thing is, now that token shop is gone (which was basicly free for those that have the power to let themselves being logged in all day) I do believe that F2P will have less comfort (upgrade stones, vehicles, 200% exp, yardrat memory,...).

    Then again in the new client something like dailies, achievements and a new system to reward players is availlable to be added (as mentioned in the client suggestion thread).

    So best way to find out is wait and see if F2P will have less "freedom" towards making themselves comfortable.

  • This game is f2p to begin with.

    Even in retail it was f2p.

    Thing is, mostly all this f2p MMO's see cash shop as only source to make money.

    Now thing is, how to make people to even spend money in the game, if you didn't add stuffs for what they will pay for.

    Now since this is revival project, private project of old dead MMO, people want it to be more and more f2p and in form that you can get anything in it, simply by playing the game and contributing in a way that player base on server is huge.

    Still in order to even run this server you need to pay for a lot of stuffs:

    1. Server

    2. Developers (No one wants to work for free, it is the fact)

    3. Optional ( Modelers, animators, story makers/editors, translators and more)

    Soo as community, if we can fill last 2 parts for free and if we have people who want to spend their time and do it for free, then we are still left for server fee and no one in this community, want to spend money on game where you do not gain something.

    Sure some people will want, just out of love, to spend money to support project and pay for server fee, but then again, amount of them is small, unlike other people who want some "gains" in game, just soo they can speed up gearing process and be better than rest of people.

    Soo in short, even if it is server revival process of old MMO, this project still needs the money to run it, and will it cash shop become more or less p2w it only depends on community if it wants it, as long they are paying and expect "OP stuffs" in return,it will have p2w parts inside.


    “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i’m not”
    IGN: Iceman 19_small.png Shadow Knight 19_small.png
    IGN: Iceman
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    Discord: Iceman#8402

    Edited once, last by Iceman ().

  • Took the words right out of my mouth, except in reality, it's on the contrary. Before you make any foolish statements, make sure you're properly acknowledged of such terms.

    If you actually look into this abbreviation, it's simply free to play. Look up the internet, it's one of the most basic terms concerning games. There's no fee required to fully play this game. It's not pay to play nor buy to play, it's free. P2w term can apply to any of these game models. It's usually f2p model that suffers from it for obvious reasons.

    My suggestion would be to do some research before so inadequately calling everyone else blind or dumb for your own lack of knowledge and perhaps you'll figure out why this game has p2w elements to begin with.

    Yes, You are right its both f2p and p2w, my bad in choosing the wrong words, but I explained it later so i ment something else. I should say... f2w? Then poll question was wrong in the first place, but we can understand what he meant, yes? So in truth u just wanted to point out my poor word choice, knowing what im talking about. Just about that little "elements". Now im going to hear from You that this server keep going because of cashers blah blah blah...

    I know certain casher that probably covered the server cost alone. And there is many of them, working for administration vacations probably. Im not saying He shouldn't earn for his huge work, just implying that exclusive cosmetics like dogi/vehicles etc should be sufficient. And sorry for my english guys :)

  • Going by their definitions:

    DBOG is free-to-play because you can access all of the game's content without having to pay a single penny.

    (You can reach max cap, do all in-game activities etc etc all without having to pay for it).

    However, it is also pay-to-win because cashing gives you an advantage.

    (You can get items that F2P would not be able to get, you get things in larger quantities; you can make zeni/items without farming or putting in the time/effort etc etc).

  • Yes, You are right its both f2p and p2w, my bad in choosing the wrong words, but I explained it later so i ment something else. I should say... f2w? Then poll question was wrong in the first place, but we can understand what he meant, yes? So in truth u just wanted to point out my poor word choice, knowing what im talking about. Just about that little "elements". Now im going to hear from You that this server keep going because of cashers blah blah blah...

    I know certain casher that probably covered the server cost alone. And there is many of them, working for administration vacations proably. Im not saying He shouldn't earn for his huge work, just implying that exclusive cosmetics like dogi/vehicles etc should be sufficient. And sorry for my english guys :)

    I am glad that you're responding to this in a civilized manner and trying to find a consensus as most people in this community fail to do that with their egoistical views. Yes, the poll is illogical, but my point was to correct a false statement that was introduced as a definite fact. Make no mistake, I wasn't going to start talking about the server costs, especially when someone else partially covered it. I think it's not worth pointing out the obvious that profit here is tremendous and the project leader wouldn't do this if the income wasn't sufficient. I couldn't agree more on making the cash shop purely for cosmetics and certain utilities, but the easiest way to encourage people to donate is by giving something that speeds up the progress, therefore it all comes to the competency of one individual who's controlling the entire project and his ways of dealing with it so far has been rather a failure. I don't feel like this poll is going to change a single thing as there's been countless similar polls, so I'll stay out of deeper discussions. Cheers.

  • All the items availlable in the shop are also availlable to obtain as a F2P once you get to a certain level or by doing event (brown boxes), yes, it does require some time and effort to get them but not a lot as other MMORPGs that are more leaning to P2W or P2P.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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