Reducing Transformation cooldown

  • I'd like to propose a reduction of the cooldown for transformations. I know that Pure Majin might be quite OP with reduced cooldown (in PvP), but waiting 1 hour seems quite off.
    Not to mention, it's Dragonball. Normally you should be able to transform whenever you want, but to keep the balance in tact (lol balance) there should be a cooldown

    I'd like to change it to 30 mins or so, it doesn't make that much of a difference (except for ultimate majins who can then rebuff for Kid Boo). Biggest example are the super saiyans, especially if you disconnect or something, you lose your transformation (keeping the transformation would be a cool alternative too)


  • What about fighters? with the concentration, CD gear and plasma buff they can get their SSJ CD to almost 14 minutes.

    I don't see much point to lowering it since you should be able to comfortably play as the transformations over an hour if you learn your limits. If any changes were to be made i'd suggest making Great Namek the same as pure Buu and drain EP since pure majin can fly while GN can't dash fly and is on a 10 min time limit with having -10% movement speed.

  • What about fighters? with the concentration, CD gear and plasma buff they can get their SSJ CD to almost 14 minutes.

    I don't see much point to lowering it since you should be able to comfortably play as the transformations over an hour if you learn your limits. If any changes were to be made i'd suggest making Great Namek the same as pure Buu and drain EP since pure majin can fly while GN can't dash fly and is on a 10 min time limit with having -10% movement speed.

    Fighters and Swordsman have a hard time handling SSJ for long. You'd have to have at least one piece of gear with ENG on it to make it work. Also how often do Fighters and Swordsman run CD gear?

  • i like ideia!!!

    25 O lobo e o cordeiro se apascentarão juntos, e o leão comerá palha como o boi; e pó será a comida da serpente. Não farão mal nem dano algum em todo o meu santo monte, diz o Senhor.
    כה זאב וטלה ירעו כאחד ואריה כבקר יאכל תבן ונחש עפר לחמו לא ירעו ולא ישחיתו בכל הר קדשי אמר יהוה {ס}

  • Here we go again.....if you can't even handle your transformation, you don't deserve to use it "all the time". If anything it should be stronger, not more spam-able. I do agree with not losing your form after disconnecting/changing channels, though. It's a real pain that you can't help.

  • Some people make it sound like transformations are the most op skill ingame. As if it matters if a fighter or sm spam ssj all 30 mins. The only place where ssj has a nice effect would be platform. The other transformation (kid boo, giant namek) are only relevant in budokai qualifiers, nobody sane would use them in a 1vs1 pvp match (maybe party pvp but thats situational and after that winning round it would be resetted and get on cooldown anyway) - this reply is pvp related

  • Either reducing the cooldown of the skill or at least make it so that when the player logs out or dc's, the transformation is kept but the cooldown does not decrease. That's just what I think, it might not be the best idea to handle this though.

    That's good idea, but is it doable ?

  • 1. You just said one reason why not doing it, Pure Majin would be OP.
    2. MAs stacking cooldown...
    3. It's Dragon Ball ONLINE, where all the players are descendants of the main characters of the franchise with a different story. Not everyone is Goku, Piccolo or Majin Boo.
    4. If you mean DCs, this is not supposed to happen and with a stable server it's solved. If you mean volontary disconnection, why would you transform right before leaving? If you play your cards right you'll have no issue with it.

    Only thing I would change about transformation isn't cooldown but Great Namek duration.

    Fighters and Swordsman have a hard time handling SSJ for long. You'd have to have at least one piece of gear with ENG on it to make it work. Also how often do Fighters and Swordsman run CD gear?

    @BlazingBarrager You don't need to run CD gear all the time, just right before transforming...

  • 1. You just said one reason why not doing it, Pure Majin would be OP.2. MAs stacking cooldown...
    3. It's Dragon Ball ONLINE, where all the players are descendants of the main characters of the franchise with a different story. Not everyone is Goku, Piccolo or Majin Boo.
    4. If you mean DCs, this is not supposed to happen and with a stable server it's solved. If you mean volontary disconnection, why would you transform right before leaving? If you play your cards right you'll have no issue with it.

    Only thing I would change about transformation isn't cooldown but Great Namek duration.

    @BlazingBarrager You don't need to run CD gear all the time, just right before transforming...

    But that only applies to Kid Boo, and I'm sure we can find a way to balance that.

  • Some people make it sound like transformations are the most op skill ingame. As if it matters if a fighter or sm spam ssj all 30 mins. The only place where ssj has a nice effect would be platform. The other transformation (kid boo, giant namek) are only relevant in budokai qualifiers, nobody sane would use them in a 1vs1 pvp match (maybe party pvp but thats situational and after that winning round it would be resetted and get on cooldown anyway) - this reply is pvp related

    See this is exactly why people without PvP experience shouldn't be able to give their opinion lmao. this community is horrible

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