The Chinese translation patch has been added to the launcher!
New Item: "Mystery Dogi Capsule"
- This capsule contains a random NEW dogi/costume accessory. It can drop from TMQ Boss and Hero enemies. It may contain both unreleased dogis, as well as ones created by the DBOG community. Many more will be progressively added in the near future.
Note: The Mystery Dogi Capsule has also been added as a guaranteed drop in the game's Tutorial.
Note 2: All dogis from this capsule are automatically bound. So if you want it on your character, you gotta work for it.
- This capsule contains a random NEW dogi/costume accessory. It can drop from TMQ Boss and Hero enemies. It may contain both unreleased dogis, as well as ones created by the DBOG community. Many more will be progressively added in the near future.
We were originally going to start off with the ones displayed in this video, however, we decided to give you guys an even nicer little treat. These dogis will become harder to get next week, as more are added to the capsule.
Note: The Fused Zamasu Outfit currently doesn't have an updated item icon and has low quality textures.
We will soon update it with the new icon and our own texture fix.
New Costume (Wagu Machine)
- Frieza Dogi (3rd Form)
- Frieza Head (3rd Form) - Possibly bugged on Namekians right now.
- Skill "Major Speed Up" now gives skill cool down reduction. It starts at Level 3 as 20, then 25 and 30.
- No longer required to write the full item name in the auction house search field.
- No longer possible to disassemble upgraded equipment that are of +1 or higher.
- No longer possible to sacrifice upgraded equipment +1 or higher to change equipment battle attribute.
- BIDs 2, 3 and 4 are now Lv 70 restricted.
- Lv. 70 Upgrade tickets bought from the Event Manager NPC were turned back into Huge Honey Blocks. However, you can rest easy knowing that there weren't that many to begin with and only one ticket remained in the whole server before this update, so it is the end of those tickets, one way or another.
- Anti-Speedhack which now causes the player to disconnect.
- Majin spin skills damaged party members in the Scramble event.
- Exploit to crash clients.
- Unable to add attribute to equipment without a sacrifice.
- CCBD monsters could be killed to finish quests.
- Attack Rate, Dodge Rate and Block Rate from monsters are now correctly calculated.
Reminder that all forum rules still apply here. If you want to leave any suggestions and express your opinions, please do so in a civilized manner.
Versão em Português
Version en Français