How DBOG can become a better game
That's a REALLY bad idea if I loose all the item on my chars and dogis that I bought with the refunded cash points from POB, and all the items I bought from Cash Shop that I can't donate anymore coz no more Paypal donation method then I will quit this game for good...
Well daneos will have to return all the cash points for sure, like he did before.
Well daneos will have to return all the cash points for sure, like he did before.
i can´t believe he switched from pre-beta to beta without a real hack protection god such an idiot,
however if they wipe all data again then game is over
its almost dead already and a lot of players ( me too) won´t be ready to do everything again for a 3rd time
how many players farmed their ass off to make their gear? u cant remove all progress again or 90% of the last players will leave too
i can´t believe he switched from pre-beta to beta without a real hack protection god such an idiot,
however if they wipe all data again then game is over
its almost dead already and a lot of players ( me too) won´t be ready to do everything again for a 3rd time
how many players farmed their ass off to make their gear? u cant remove all progress again or 90% of the last players will leave too
I have full tmq set +14, all dragon acccesory and i dont give a fak about it while game is not playable and here is 10 players, arena is full of chinese players that are +15 amen ppl in arena saying that chinese again find some bug for upgrade and they dupe items.
Even players that have +15 multiple sets of items like musolini give up, so im not sure what are you talkin about, continuing playing game in current state lead to no where and have no sense, thats why most of ppl already give up, and you cry about your items, come on right now dbog is like titanic and you don't want get out from it because your stuff are here, if someone think that lvl cap will recover this game then he is wrong here will be more players for a week or two.
Game is full of billions zeni and +15 stuff, what else you want to do here dude, game dont chave chance for get new players.
Here is no real hack protection in any game even official dbo relase with game guard had a lot of bots. thats why a lot of new games removing trade systems etc... just for block bots from trading money and stuff here is no real protection from hackers, you can minimalize it and manualy removing them, thats all.
This game still have chance before final cap, even official relases failing and doing mistakes.
S h u t d o w n
I have full tmq set +14, all dragon acccesory and i dont give a fak about it while game is not playable and here is 10 players, arena is full of chinese players that are +15 amen ppl in arena saying that chinese again find some bug for upgrade and they dupe items.
Even players that have +15 multiple sets of items like musolini give up, so im not sure what are you talkin about, continuing playing game in current state lead to no where and have no sense, thats why most of ppl already give up, and you cry about your items, come on right now dbog is like titanic and you don't want get out from it because your stuff are here, if someone think that lvl cap will recover this game then he is wrong here will be more players for a week or two.
Game is full of billions zeni and +15 stuff, what else you want to do here dude, game dont chave chance for get new players.
Here is no real hack protection in any game even official dbo relase with game guard had a lot of bots. thats why a lot of new games removing trade systems etc... just for block bots from trading money and stuff here is no real protection from hackers, you can minimalize it and manualy removing them, thats all.
This game still have chance before final cap, even official relases failing and doing mistakes.
get a real hack protection before 70 opens is better
fak the lvl 60 + 15 stuff it will become useless anyway just have to make sure theres no chance to hack/duplicate before we get lvl 70
and what im talking about is .. no player have endless patience.. farm farm farm all day and then wipe it again will make much players quit.
its not only the items some ppl have all classes at lvl 60.
if they wipe all again im done enough is enough i wont level all my chars again and farm 10000000 hours to get my current shit back this game is boring af anyway not worth all that farming.
get a real hack protection before 70 opens is better
fak the lvl 60 + 15 stuff it will become useless anyway just have to make sure theres no chance to hack/duplicate before we get lvl 70
and what im talking about is .. no player have endless patience.. farm farm farm all day and then wipe it again will make much players quit.
its not only the items some ppl have all classes at lvl 60.
if they wipe all again im done enough is enough i wont level all my chars again and farm 10000000 hours to get my current shit back this game is boring af anyway not worth all that farming.
first you saying that you dont want lose suff and now you saying Fak the +15 items because they are lvl 60.
also what about the tons of zeni and players that own bilions an millions of it? when i checked today mp after 2 months of break i cant buy anything from here, so what about guy who want join this game today, accept it only wipe and fixed economy can heal this game. No one will join game where players already have tons of zeni.
first you saying that you dont want lose suff and now you saying Fak the +15 items because they are lvl 60.
also what about the tons of zeni and players that own bilions an millions of it? when i checked today mp after 2 months of break i cant buy anything from here, so what about guy who want join this game today, accept it only wipe and fixed economy can heal this game. No one will join game where players already have tons of zeni.
yeah hacked zeni is a problem i know that..
just saying not everybody is ready to invest that much time AGAIN
if you realize all you have done in the game in the last months was useless and get removed it will tilt almost everybody ( not just me )
if there is another wipe i think we need backup´s of all chars
remove all zeni and cash items out of the game
but Refund all CP,Restore all chars, earrings,necks, CCBD gear, dogi´s with a dogi ball effect, shenron reward and shit like that .
its maybe 1% of the players who abuse hacks if you punish the other 99% trust me you can close the server.
I think I finally know how to make DBOG awesome. DELETE THE SERVER
Honestly if you ever doubt a games survivalbility after a short time. It’s not worth taking it seriously unless you’re rich or have a load of free time...but even then why play?
this dbog will disappear slowly, it is not seen that it interests them that people stay.
Piccolo is right, we do need a wipe. Sadly i need to do alot cc again, but seeing chinese cheaters/botters and ppl who buy zeni from bot websited, cry alot, makes it totally worth it.
That's a REALLY bad idea if I loose all the item on my chars and dogis that I bought with the refunded cash points from POB, and all the items I bought from Cash Shop that I can't donate anymore coz no more Paypal donation method then I will quit this game for good...
aint nobody care if u leave id rather have u gone than the game dead cmonbruh
Edit: its already dead
Another wipe means 1% players will come back to the game. That 1% are cashers. We who earn stuff on hard way would be punished for no reason.
No way I would come back if there would be another wipe and im not the only one who thinks like this.
If its just item wipe many players will come back , especially if bots r gone
It can’t. The games dead, especially with no updates for like 5 months now? Lol
And the best part is ppl are getting banned for selling a stack of 100 stones LMAOOOO. I should put 2 stacks in ah. Gonna get banned aswell. Will finally be able to chargeback
I just bought +13 21 con jacket and con 19 + 14 pants. Pants for 44kk and jacket for 25kk. If there will be wipe i want my items back. Dude i farmed for months to get that +13!!
It can’t. The games dead, especially with no updates for like 5 months now? Lol
And the best part is ppl are getting banned for selling a stack of 100 stones LMAOOOO. I should put 2 stacks in ah. Gonna get banned aswell. Will finally be able to chargeback
I'm not obligated to do this but I'll show you how things really work with an example.
A level 30 character selling more than 90 U55-U58 green and purple stones. Suspicious, right?
Once we have the suspect, we check his IP.
When we've checked his IP we saw that there were a lot of BOT accounts associated with that IP. Coincidence? I don't think so.
1: Level 30 chacter selling U55-U58 green and purple stones.
2: More than 90 STONES.
3: IP associated with BOT Accounts.
Things don't work the way you think.
DBO G Staff
I'm not obligated to do this but I'll show you how things really work with an example.
A level 30 character selling more than 90 U55-U58 green and purple stones. Suspicious, right?
Once we have the suspect, we check his IP.
When we've checked his IP we saw that there were a lot of BOT accounts associated with that IP. Coincidence? I don't think so.
1: Level 30 chacter selling U55-U58 green and purple stones.
2: More than 90 STONES.
3: IP associated with BOT Accounts.
Things don't work the way you think.
DBO G Staff
goodjob, its just a pity you need explain ureself like this to some ignorant forum members
goodjob, its just a pity you need explain ureself like this to some ignorant forum members
Dude you and your buddy shinji are arrogant ones. All you do is insult and write "nobody forces you to do this, nobody forces you to do that. You deserve that" and on...
I've seen multiple posts and many can confirm. Trying to prove smth while insulting other's wont help you much. You should stop with your bullshit honestly.
Mister cashalot its okay if you support game and if you donated hundred's of dollar's but ever since i came back to game and forums i see you spamming with negative attitude. I am no mod or admin but this isnt helping to make game any better.
Everyone shoud do like in preopen beta when there were posts about bug reports, gameplay issues and stuff about FIXING and MAKING game batter. This is just sad rn.
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