The attack speed should be nerf.

  • Attack speed should be removed from the game or be nerfed so it can be as good as using skills.

    Instead of balancing the game devs decided to give attack speed so players can stand in a corner, the most difficult thing about playing speed is positioning and aggro control also by doing this they saved themselves from a lot of work creating dungeons that required some strategy to complete.

    Many times we hear that this game is easy and it's true, partially because of attack speed, try to complete ccbd with and without speed and check how much it took for both tries.

    If Daneos nerfs speed too late after the possible wipe, then the people that already played ccbd will have an advantage, playing speed is boring but still quicker than without it.

  • Someone who understands... Amazing. Its okay if individual classes like Fighter,Poko, and Karma are using Attack Speed as their primary source of DPS, but when the entire party is able to abuse the mechanic it makes end game dungeons a joke. The first things that should be to neuter this, is preventing GoGo-Mask and Kami's Blitz from stacking, and increasing the drop rate of good items in BIDs/UDs?TMQs to compensate for the extra time spent in the dungeon, or you could just make the TMQs like they were in 55 KR. Another alternative would be to modify the stats of mobs in the dungeons but I'm assuming that would take more effort.

  • Someone who understands... Amazing. Its okay if individual classes like Fighter,Poko, and Karma are using Attack Speed as their primary source of DPS, but when the entire party is able to abuse the mechanic it makes end game dungeons a joke. The first things that should be to neuter this, is preventing GoGo-Mask and Kami's Blitz from stacking, and increasing the drop rate of good items in BIDs/UDs?TMQs to compensate for the extra time spent in the dungeon, or you could just make the TMQs like they were in 55 KR. Another alternative would be to modify the stats of mobs in the dungeons but I'm assuming that would take more effort.

    I couldn't explain it better and i agree with all, also i think that poko is very incomplete class because he is a summoner or at least an attemp of one,

    Poko pets should be its strength not just a complement for his lack of usefulness besides of giving speed to others, before no one used poko because speed wasn't working now they are key to any serious party just because of att speed.

    I think that CCBD mobs should be tweaked to be less boring when playing with crit and other stuff, hard but less boring because right now it would take a lot just to do 51f to 90f and then nerf speed according to those parameters, but as you said not for the whole party and probably the classes affected by it such as karma, poko and fighter could get a buff if they needed it.

    When i speak about boringness i'm not referring to nerfing the pve aspects but to improve them, after all this is a game and you shouldn't be able to do something in 20min by just standing and 60min using pure skills, thinking your next move.

  • Its has already been nerfed by the speeding being capped already. Speed just saves times, imagine doing ccbd 1-150 without speed. Your looking at 6-8 hours to complete it. With speed at best its ~3 hours. Speed is not an abuse its a mechanic to save time. Speed is a PVE base skill, if you don't like speed then stick to pvp and stuff.

  • Its has already been nerfed by the speeding being capped already. Speed just saves times, imagine doing ccbd 1-150 without speed. Your looking at 6-8 hours to complete it. With speed at best its ~3 hours. Speed is not an abuse its a mechanic to save time. Speed is a PVE base skill, if you don't like speed then stick to pvp and stuff.

    Speed is laziness in form of stat, you are saying that saves time..., it's true saves time and it shouldn't save it at all, it should be as good as using skills but as pve is broken in some aspects people uses speed. The way to "save" time is by tweaking mobs according to skills uses and not just by "i'm going to stand here and auto attack like if was hard to use skills", ¿do you realize that we are talking about end pve content? being end content shouldn't be that easy to complete at all.

  • Its has already been nerfed by the speeding being capped already. Speed just saves times, imagine doing ccbd 1-150 without speed. Your looking at 6-8 hours to complete it. With speed at best its ~3 hours. Speed is not an abuse its a mechanic to save time. Speed is a PVE base skill, if you don't like speed then stick to pvp and stuff.

    1. Broken as hell in PVE - Turn the game into browser one click AFK game

    2. Only 1 meta is needed for dungeons ( Only 3-4 classes are needed, others can be deleted)

    3. Aggro system can't be made soo that true tankers takes part in the party

    4. CCBD 1-150 Can always be edited that you get binded ticket when you decide to stop on some levels of CCBD, you don't need to do 1-150 CCBD in 1 day

    As you can see, attack speed is simply out of butt system that should only be special trade of speed classes (low animation, faster cooldown aka better DPS classes) such as poko, fighter and karma, that is self buffs only and attack speed removed from gears.

    Soon party system is fixed, where you are forced to play MMORPG and use damn class roles (tanker, DPS, CC, support, healer), and specific roles are auto set in party system then we are on the right track.

    Game needs to offer party system and PVE system (TMQ, DUNGEONS, BID'S, UD'S) where you can complete any of those PVE content for sure with same amount of time and that every race/class can take part of it and gear up as any other.

    PS: If they have no will or knowledge to change this, then they can simply step down as staff members and "balance members" and let community vote right people for that positions.


    “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i’m not”
    IGN: Iceman 19_small.png Shadow Knight 19_small.png
    IGN: Iceman
      13_small.png Dark Warrior 13_small.png
    Discord: Iceman#8402

  • Heya for a long time I was not sure about the speed attack but reading your thesis I started to think that end game content should be something special and not just positioning the team for 3 hours. I ve just tested with my team crit party to cc100 and that was fun, sometimes dangerous but was not boring like targeting with auto attack. The worst thing of playing in crit party is time.. I bet we need something like 6-8h to finish cc150 with crit party.. So if we got better rewards for the finish cc150 i am in ! : )

  • If there is a poll for a wipe there should also be one for attk speed... i was always an advocate of nerfing heavy or removing all together attk speed

    And will be better to remove it before a wipe, it would take longer to do the wipe but also is the best way if you are serious about improving the game because this can't prevent people from taking advantage, that or stick with speed and lock yourself to four classes

  • I'll leave the following here. That's how i would solve this.

    And i agree about making other changes to the game before the New Client Test is over. My hope for changing Upgrading back to how it was in old DBO is gone for now i think. It's been stated that New Client will have new Upgrade System. They way i want it would be easier i think...not sure for now since i don't know what Daneos will come up with.

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    *got f*cked hard by Upgrading on July 8th 2018*


  • Simple solution to attack speed abuse:

    Reduce auto attack damage by 60% or more so no matter what your skills will do much damage

    Well it wouldn't be that effective even if we would do to poko and karma that is already done to the fighter.

    Make their speed buffs - self buffs.

    This would be good start.

    Then later we can remove attack speed from gears if needed to remove entirely attack speed and then buff speed classes( attack speed buffs increased) soo they have back DPS they use to have under "full speed mode".


    “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i’m not”
    IGN: Iceman 19_small.png Shadow Knight 19_small.png
    IGN: Iceman
      13_small.png Dark Warrior 13_small.png
    Discord: Iceman#8402

    Edited 2 times, last by Iceman ().

  • How about not nerfing attack speed, but instead buffing skill damage for PvE by certain %, so it could match/compete with speed? That way you wouldn't destroy classes such as Poko and Karma.

    this isnt a bad idea but

    Icemens idea doesnt destroy karma or poko class. It just forces them to be like fighter. To me this is a great solution

  • How about not nerfing attack speed, but instead buffing skill damage for PvE by certain %, so it could match/compete with speed? That way you wouldn't destroy classes such as Poko and Karma.

    People would still prefer speed parties since it's faster. We gotta throw out the attack speed by nerfing it down in general.

    Also Poko and Karma won't get destroyed. Both did well enough before speed became a thing with lvl 70 Update back in old DBO. Poko is a summoner. If the pets could get a little stronger to be useful in general, Poko would be even better even without Speed.

    Karma is also useful even without speed. I remember seeing a lot of them around (in PvP or PvE) before attack speed became a thing.

    The suggestion i made will allow Poko and Karma to still use speed. But only them and Fighters cuz they got the buff. Turn Poko and Karma speed buff into self buff only, then nerf attack speed by giving it a low cap, where it's ok to use Speed but skills would be better, and the problem should be gone. Additionally increase Poko and Karma general dmg so they can do stuff even completely without speed. Poko could use the pets and Karma use the skills Karmas have. Ofc some other classes will need a buff in general dmg too. Especially Plasma Majins! They suck hardcore when it comes to dmg. And their buffs are useless af (except for the CD one)

    More class balance like that + what i suggested should solve the problem. All classes could go into every Dungeon/TMQ or whatever. None of that "speed ppl only" lol. Back to the roots ppl. That's needed here and there...

    Edit: Forgot to mention that a dmg boost in general could f*ck up balance in PvP, so i'd say do a little bit of that and mostly rework Mobs, like super/boss/Ultra in UD/TMQ/CCBD by lowering their LP/def/dmg so ppl can take them out with skills. This way PvP won't get hit too hard.

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    *got f*cked hard by Upgrading on July 8th 2018*


  • If you really want to know, i suggested to give bosses/certain mobs in ccbd a passive buff that reduces damage taken from auto attack, in combination with health reduced, so that attack speed based teams, and attack skill based teams will take on avarage the same time to clear floors. Aswell as some tweaks when it comes to agro and more, wont bore you with details, But you only hear tiny bits of here and there what certain people WANT you to hear, so it looks negative.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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