• If this is the wrong section, please move this thread but I just wanted to let the whole dbo community look at this. Notice how all the +15 33% gloves and sticks HAVE EXACTLY the same stats..... 3 Hit rate on gloves and 1 hit rate on stick.... Obviously, if they weren't duplicated items they would all have different 2nd stats.... That without mentioning the fact that u never see 32% or 31% only 33%. Now... if u look at every other +15 fighter in these Chinese guilds, they will probably have the same stats so... IP BAN all of these Chinese buggers with exactly the same stats... BTW i saw several more buggers with the same stats after I recorded the video...

    Attached is the youtube link to the video.

  • im sorry, unfortunately thats not enough proof to ban them... I agree, they should get banned, but unless you catch them in the act of actually bugging, nothing can be done... U yourself have +15 stick, you could have bugged that +15 for all we know, should we ban you too? Of course not.... Its just what it is, that my prove that the item probably got cloned, but we wont know who duped or if they bought it cloned get it?

    I would love to see them banned, but not enough evidence

  • @Proxymine I mean, all it takes is going to pvp and just taking a look at the same clases.... Most chinese sks have the same wep and glove+15, same with fighters, sms, turtles.... should i go on? Isn't it obvious that they are duplicated items?

  • First of all. Naming and shaming is against the rules. If you have a player report you need to write to staff directly here .

    Second. Simply seeing someone with the same weapon or armour, etc. Is not 'proof' that person bugged it. What happened was that a few individuals bugged their items and then put them up on the auction house and gave them out to their friends and guilds. These people who received the items did not bug or hack. and most are innocent.

    How would you feel if you bought a +15 item and then because someone scanned a few peoples gear and complained, you lost it? Not fair to you so it's not fair on them Those who actually used the bugs and hacks to make/clone these weapons have been banned.

    Now if you would like an opinion from the moderators you can click their pages to PM them by clicking these, Aru Celestial Titania  Tempest Ayame

  • This is, in my opinion, the game right now

    1. There is no evidence that it is illegal (Of course. We are all sure that the Chinese have been legal)

    2. It's POB so relax (Yes. But all this makes the POB a shit.)

    3. Nobody forces you to play (True. Sure the Chinese will tell you all the bugs they find)

    It's a shame that POB is worth everything.

  • heres my take.

    similar to kamiboa.

    1. evidence must show proof of wrong doing.

    2. it pob. developer has better shit to do then just nit pick banning paper 15s.. learn how to beat them. most of those hackers actually suck.

    3. don't like it play elsewhere; or make ur own sever.

  • I do get that people here want to help to prevent any way of hacking and such.

    But I think that you people should be thankful that you can even play and test game in this early stage.

    Yes, devs sure have better stuffs to do, fix some broken quests, make quest inventory go away after finishing quest and more.

    Plus, in Open Beta when it comes, there will be some GUARD mode, as it was in old DBO, just improved I bet, soo chill.


    “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i’m not”
    IGN: Iceman 19_small.png Shadow Knight 19_small.png
    IGN: Iceman
      13_small.png Dark Warrior 13_small.png
    Discord: Iceman#8402

  • As I suggested in another thread, removing all the +15 items is simply not fair for the reasons that many other people have previously mentioned.

    Instead, Daneos may consider removing the -2 downgrade effect of white stones until he finds out how the bug works. That way, people will try to make +15 items by their hands rather than looking for a (probably) bugged item.

    This must not be the ultimate solution since it cannot prevent people from making bugged items for their close friends (even for free, sometimes), but it at least could improve the current situation, I guess.

  • Every one and their mother knows those items were duplicated by now. The issue here is that you want them all to reset to +0 that is unfair.

    Every user who has one of those weapons or pieces of armour now has it because they bought it from a vendor, Auction house, Or they traded for it from someone else. Whether or not they knew t was bugged at the time is irrelevant. any weapon, item, or armour piece you get from the auction house could have been bugged so it would be unfair to reset it just because it is bugged. That's the point i'm making here. All users who were caught abusing the bug or using 3rd party software has been perma banned so justice was done in that area.

    Lolll, I am jealous? Are you retarded? aikarsa . I understand now that that's not enough reason to ban them since they could have gotten it from someone else but the items were clearly duplicated.

  • 2pro4u - Creating a video, and going around scanning players is not considered valid proof/evidence of players bugging. All you did was simply go around korin and point the finger at these players to make such allegations. This is not classified to the moderators as evidence, as you just came to this conclusion yourself.

    As others have stated in this thread, all you have demonstrated in your video is support the possible theory that these items could be duplicated, but this does not mean players will be punished for owning these items. There are many players in the server who have obtained these items by purchasing these items and they were not aware of how these items were created.

  • There are many players in the server who have obtained these items by purchasing these items and they were not aware of how these items were created.

    Thats very much true.
    Imagine this. You spen't 100$ on CP,a nd you bought boxes for that CP. Now, some dud was selling +15 item for boxes and you bought it from him not knowing it was bugged/duplicated etc etc. And Daneos now remove all +15 duplicated/bugged items or whatever. How tf would you feel? I bet you would cry like a baby cuz you lost your money.

    PS...yo have +15 too as I see. Now how about somebody take it from you for no reason. How would you feel?

  • 2pro4u - Creating a video, and going around scanning players is not considered valid proof/evidence of players bugging. All you did was simply go around korin and point the finger at these players to make such allegations. This is not classified to the moderators as evidence, as you just came to this conclusion yourself.

    As others have stated in this thread, all you have demonstrated in your video is support the possible theory that these items could be duplicated, but this does not mean players will be punished for owning these items. There are many players in the server who have obtained these items by purchasing these items and they were not aware of how these items were created.

    so true bro

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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