How DBOG can become a better game

  • ????

    google translate.

    respectfully if quick attack did 15000 base damage they would one shot all dps classes. Only way for say a swordsmen to have 15000 lp is to go full con.

    Majins have counter classes lolz. Crane handles ultimates pretty decent (unless its skedar or meijse)

    chef cant kill anything.

    plasma is one of the weakest 1v1 pvp classes in the game

    karma well they broken as fuq and no one wants to nerf skill lock so they will stay broken

    nameks op I have to disagree

    dendes are powerful but not invincible, dot classes handle them well. wearing anti para reduces there killing capabilites in 1v1 all they can do really is stall the good players to try get a time out win

    Shadow knights are energy damage only class wear energy defense gear, and there best range attack bold strike can be nuttered with anti bleed.

    Darkwarrior damage is laughable, and there confusion skills can be blocked completely with anti confusion, ever since arm grab change they cant ring folks out, which was there only way to beat tanks

    pokos altought there atk speed is better than dendes they truely are weak in pvp wear anti para and all classes except darkwarrior, chef and plasma can handle pokos with ease.

    Im trying to look at your crane and turtle saying. I think your trying to say weaken the focus of the class. Those classes do need to be able to land there skills on there targets so they can win especailly since there damage isnt as high as an ma.You should know that a martial artist can reduce focus of a target by 37%.

    will all do respect I think your ideas need some rethinking.

  • what did you expect from a so called "Balance Team" that does changes based on their favorite classes? As long as the classes they play are good enough, it's alright to them. To this day i still don't know who is part of that Bakance Team. Well, maybe one or two ppl but what about the rest? Who are they? Did they play old DBO long enough to actually know the classes?

    Heard rumors about what's being discussed/suggested or what was suggested so far inside the balance team and if they are right...boooiii forget this game then lmao. :D;(

    Balance Team has to forget their own class and start making changes right instead of caring about their own classes first. That's 100% not gonna work. Also those little changes week after week are kinda annoying. You change/adjust little things for one class without touching others. Then the class that got changed/adjusted is either stronger or sucks more for an entire week compared to the rest. Hope with this lvl 70 Update + New Client comes some class balance along, where all classes get some changes/adjustments at once (ofc they got tested to make sure it's even).

    As long as this does not happen, this game will always suck ass. Forget the 70 cap. Reason this game sucks is: It sucks in general xD

    70 cap won't be a big change. You do the same sh*t you did back in POB and back ind old DBO. Finish End game stuff fast a billion times and then it's boring again. Maybe Daneos can pull off lvl 80 content. But even then, it's still the same as 70 cap. Get to lvl cap fast, finish end game fast billion times to get stuff aaaaand welcome back to the boredom. And i bet classes still won't be balanced xD

    This is a Signature. Thanks for reading.

    You learned nothing.

    Wasted your time.

    Also thanks for reading all the way

    down here.

    Enjoy the emoticon.


    *got f*cked hard by Upgrading on July 8th 2018*


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