Display MoreHi I play with other games than i invent a new and simple balance to dbog. the Key the MA Quick Attack.
From Quick attack would be remove the stun effects and add about 15.000 base dammage without crit. CD, target and range not change.
Consequently the Dende\Majins receive a counter class and Namek Tanks also receive high dammage at CLOSE combat(because MA only a Dash skill with close range dammage).
Now the Nameks too op, specially Dende and SK. If they receive a counter 1 shot at close range(then fighter also receive from dende speed, sk bleed\crit...etc), then all class would be effectiveless. Suchs as Turtle\Crane will be less focus. Or If Fighter not come to at close range from QA then the dammage also 0 but QA will be CD.
Finally all class win a 5v5 if playing him properly at toward range or close range(dende\karma speed at 35 meter range, turtle, at 45 meter range, Tanks 35-45 meter range, Majins have start def - att buffs and MA have close range dammage).
Every class, if play properly win the situations\matches.
But need the very high base dammage to QA, which kill min. a dende (without crit) or Tank(with crit or without crit and +needle skills) that others (Turtle\Crane) receive more less focus at game.
google translate.
respectfully if quick attack did 15000 base damage they would one shot all dps classes. Only way for say a swordsmen to have 15000 lp is to go full con.
Majins have counter classes lolz. Crane handles ultimates pretty decent (unless its skedar or meijse)
chef cant kill anything.
plasma is one of the weakest 1v1 pvp classes in the game
karma well they broken as fuq and no one wants to nerf skill lock so they will stay broken
nameks op I have to disagree
dendes are powerful but not invincible, dot classes handle them well. wearing anti para reduces there killing capabilites in 1v1 all they can do really is stall the good players to try get a time out win
Shadow knights are energy damage only class wear energy defense gear, and there best range attack bold strike can be nuttered with anti bleed.
Darkwarrior damage is laughable, and there confusion skills can be blocked completely with anti confusion, ever since arm grab change they cant ring folks out, which was there only way to beat tanks
pokos altought there atk speed is better than dendes they truely are weak in pvp wear anti para and all classes except darkwarrior, chef and plasma can handle pokos with ease.
Im trying to look at your crane and turtle saying. I think your trying to say weaken the focus of the class. Those classes do need to be able to land there skills on there targets so they can win especailly since there damage isnt as high as an ma.You should know that a martial artist can reduce focus of a target by 37%.
will all do respect I think your ideas need some rethinking.