Hello Dragon Ball Online Global Community,forum.dboglobal.to/wsc/index.php?attachment/2625/
Do you want to help us catch players who use a third party program (Auto-farming / Botting)? Many of you already do it and we're very grateful, so now we're going to reward you for it and I'd like to make a little FaQ about it.
Will an Anti-Bot be added to the game?
Yes, but not now. We will start taking action against botters within the new client. With the current client it's hard to work on an efficient Anti Bot System.
NOTE: That doesn't mean that we're not able to catch BOTs currently, we use different methods.
How can I report a BOT?
You can report a BOT by sending a Support Ticket with the following information.
- Your character name.
- Character name of the BOT player.
- Video showing that the player is using the third-party software. (You can upload it here where it's very easy to share videos https://streamable.com/)
If you report them through discord or creating threads or PMs, it will not count and youl will not receive a reward.
Example of a BOT player: https://streamable.com/0ltti
What is the reward for reporting a BOT?
Rewards will be specific to your contribution to the cause. There will be rewards such as valuable cosmetic items, dogi balls, equipment boxes etc. We will make sure its worth the effort. You'll receive it through your mail.
In the case where a bot is reported multiple times, only the player who reported the bot first will recieve the reward.
Help us to deal with them! Thank you for your help.
EDIT: Bot Reward System will be CLOSED until further notice.
DBO G Staff