How DBOG can become a better game

  • :thumbup:i want use other character for share items ccdungeon with my main character. and good idea remove bind in all items, its very boring start from 0.

  • Before some ppl had doubts and said that if we change gaurd system and let all classes use it with succes then it will make sword skill "Scintillation" useless but if we turn it into guard boost it, it will help sword stand against tanky class

    355.png Scintillation

    Lvl - 1 Recover 100HP every 1 sec when guard is used.

    Lvl -2 recover 200HP every 1 sec when guard is used.

    (Only if new guard system would be added)

    The main problem for sword is that he is papel and low life creature, so boost like this would be perfect against tanky class where he can die just by reflect+debuffs but boost like this is also dangerous coz someone can use guard break when guard will be overused.

  • Bring back kd to MSS and it'll be fine

  • Bad idea cuz this will help tanks and all ppl against turt cuz turtles kame need cast time also this will kill the slow skill in turtle . Terrible idea .even imagine tanks use guard ??they will be immortal

  • Bad idea cuz this will help tanks and all ppl against turt cuz turtles kame need cast time also this will kill the slow skill in turtle . Terrible idea .even imagine tanks use guard ??they will be immortal

    Oh gad you dont even know about what are you talking, turtle with guard break will one shot everything so only autist will use guard against turtle, you probably dont even know that something like guard break exist.

  • good idea but before fix guard first fix guard break. using guard against experienced players = dead cause 40k oneshot

    200% dmg increase need te be removed + guard break attacks cant crit same like kd

  • Am I understanding this correct? You want to make guard 100% success? 0.0

    And remove/ nerf guard break? If yes i hope you realize that there are some classes that depend hard on 1 or 2 skills. This will only make things harder for dps classes and easier for tanks.

    If I'm misunderstanding something then ignore this post.

  • Am I understanding this correct? You want to make guard 100% success? 0.0

    And remove/ nerf guard break? If yes i hope you realize that there are some classes that depend hard on 1 or 2 skills. This will only make things harder for dps classes and easier for tanks.

    If I'm misunderstanding something then ignore this post.

    First post and i dont want nerf any guardbreak for sure

    To be honest, i think guard & guardbreak are currently fine as they are.

    No need tweak edit this global skill.

    lol its total rng bullshit

  • Well guard as guard, should be lvl 1 always and grant you ability to block 1 attack (50-90% dmg reduction) or debuff 100% .

    While SM scintillation can block more than once and that is fine.

    About guard break, it should remove that insane critic dmg and add effect "If someone successfully break your guard, you will stay stunned for 3 sec" .

    This would enhance PVP and it wouldn't be simply gear/RNG based, it would indeed involve aside gear strategy, some gameplay strategy too.

    Since if you time right your guard, you would prevent yourself from skill lock from karma, one shot by fighter or simply stunned or turned into candy.

    This would help more to squishy classes to endure more, like somehow SM fail their KD vs SK and guard and block SK debuff and stun him again, or turtle fail KD and guard against arm pull from SK or something...

    It would be fun, but I doubt it will be touched at all.


    “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i’m not”
    IGN: Iceman 19_small.png Shadow Knight 19_small.png
    IGN: Iceman
      13_small.png Dark Warrior 13_small.png
    Discord: Iceman#8402

  • Hi I play with other games than i invent a new and simple balance to dbog. the Key the MA Quick Attack.

    From Quick attack would be remove the stun effects and add about 15.000 base dammage without crit. CD, target and range not change.
    Consequently the Dende\Majins receive a counter class and Namek Tanks also receive high dammage at CLOSE combat(because MA only a Dash skill with close range dammage).
    Now the Nameks too op, specially Dende and SK. If they receive a counter 1 shot at close range(then fighter also receive from dende speed, sk bleed\crit...etc), then all class would be effectiveless. Suchs as Turtle\Crane will be less focus. Or If Fighter not come to at close range from QA then the dammage also 0 but QA will be CD.
    Finally all class win a 5v5 if playing him properly at toward range or close range(dende\karma speed at 35 meter range, turtle, at 45 meter range, Tanks 35-45 meter range, Majins have start def - att buffs and MA have close range dammage).
    Every class, if play properly win the situations\matches.
    But need the very high base dammage to QA, which kill min. a dende (without crit) or Tank(with crit or without crit and +needle skills) that others (Turtle\Crane) receive more less focus at game.


  • lol

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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