Only Coringa gave a free win, stop crying already. IIRC you lost to Ce twice aka the same SKs he just beat, maybe the problem is you?
God damn I hate mexicans
Bro, not even Mexicans want this kind of people. We are not all like that.
Only Coringa gave a free win, stop crying already. IIRC you lost to Ce twice aka the same SKs he just beat, maybe the problem is you?
God damn I hate mexicans
Bro, not even Mexicans want this kind of people. We are not all like that.
yes,he is a toxic player in this game, and only he bought the pass vs coringa to get aura if no buy no pass.
cause: the same group a position with dojo seed.
yes he is very toxic he should be banned from this game people like this are disgusting and terrible for the community
BilalStrike and Jorge A. Tellez are new friends thanks to horrid new relation is born from today these two guys will fight together against racism and discrimination in dbo.
BilalStrike and Jorge A. Tellez are new friends thanks to horrid new relation is born from today these two guys will fight together against racism and discrimination in dbo.
This people really think that winning budokai is the best thing in the world.
Dbo community players sucks, his ego goes so far as offending other people’s country.
heres what im gonna say.
Syren won a budokai. we dont see all the matches so its up to interpretation on what happened in the final bouts. I have seen syren's skill he is quite capable of beating pro sk's ,utlis, fighters with a crane. Pro swordsmen and pro karmas well no crane can truely beat those.
the games 1v1 balance is horrendous always has been even before dbog existed. Classes completely counter each other to the point where you run into your counter class and they know what they are doing your class wont win.
due to the current balance
DBOG class system for 1v1 pvp is more like pokemon than a true competitive mmrpg competitive experience.
It was my guess syren made this thread to celebrate a rare occurrence. A Crane winning budokai.
sadly this thread has devolved to racial slurs and the typical toxic crybabys jumping onboard. Im honestly appaulded that the team hasnt permanately bann these folks
sadly this thread has devolved to racial slurs and the typical toxic crybabys jumping onboard.
You can't expect anything less, don't pretend that you didn't predict this just as everyone else. The thread is literally made for this. Also it's adorable how some people are gullible. Team's the same as "crybabys", don't be too blind.
You can't expect anything less, don't pretend that you didn't predict this just as everyone else. The thread is literally made for this. Also it's adorable how some people are gullible. Team's the same as "crybabys", don't be too blind.
i guess so your right
Bro, not even Mexicans want this kind of people. We are not all like that.
what did he do to call him toxic?
That's right Iceman no one ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ cares about what I said earlier. Everyone is selfish as ❤❤❤❤ and always was. The worst community I have ever seen. The worst staff among any online game. I almost stopped playing this game, now what's left for me is team tournaments and nothing else.
yea spirtualist anti movement speed is a killer. as a crane i agree its pretty broken.
as soon as a crane or turtle stacks 2 of the movement speed debufss with speed restrain good luck trying to move. only class that seems to do well against that combo when hit is a swordsmen with their movement speed buff and combined with movement speed boots ofc.
theres alot of things broken in game I can name 3 things with crane alone. movement speed combo, sleep duration (too long, can be looped with cd gear), crane freeze (can be looped with cd for near 50 seconds straight of stun)
but then again no one tackles ultimates brokenness, sk broken ness with cd gear, fighters invinciblity skill. and of course the most broken class in game for 1v1 pvp karma
its a meme the 1v1 balance in this game.
Now i heard that the team actually recently assigned a more qualified person to run the balance over skedar. We will have to wait and see if he can deliver.
Bro, not even Mexicans want this kind of people. We are not all like that
if u mean Jorge A i havent seen him swear or talk bad thats how u give up on him
Now i heard that the team actually recently assigned a more qualified person to run the balance over skedar. We will have to wait and see if he can deliver.
its funny, there aint no balance changes untill new client, and ppl actually believing certain toxic induviduals that i always ask for ulti buffs, you have to understand, balance members are just advisors, and test out changes. What actually gets changed is out of our control. Feel free to message me if you have questions.
Man you game looks beautiful are you using some mod or any configuration?
Is there ANY WAY or ANY CHANCE to actually resist sleep?
I actually find it quite hilarious how serious and passionate people are for such an Underground game.
the games 1v1 balance is horrendous always has been even before dbog existed. Classes completely counter each other to the point where you run into your counter class and they know what they are doing your class wont win.
due to the current balance
DBOG class system for 1v1 pvp is more like pokemon than a true competitive mmrpg competitive experience.
Yeah that's the way it will always be really. But even then even some fighting games are like that and at the end of the day this all for fun, for me atleast.
1 more for the books
Using Super Transformation such as Great Namek, SSJ, Pure Form yep is meant to break free but Kaioken was never the case. There was a bug that some players used a few months back where basically if you timed your Kaioken perfectly just as the stun was going to hit you when you used Kaioken you were immune as if it was a Super Transformation. What made this so broken is you can stack Kaioken so each time you stacked it you were immune for a short time whilst the animation was taking place. As you can see Xiang tried it but didnt know its fixed a while ago
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