Adressing the actual issues

  • Second, the insane amount of gear that ruined the in-game balance.

    Ever since DBOG was a thing, people cried about upgrades, bugs, +15masterrace, and the other garbage that makes an infinite loop of arguing between F2P and P2W players, now I didn't start this to support one or another, the issue is, take a look at any good skilled player, and then take a look at someone who donated $300+, I can 90% guarantee you that these players in-fact have superior gear to others, Gears that actually could be kept by them forever, as Lv70 gear doesn't change much.

    I honestly think that Daneos should do a "restart" and wipe everything again, refund the spent CP, decrease stone drop chance to the half of this, make broken give -2 to -6 randomly, and lets start with a fresh card.

    I've donated $300+ i didn't buy any gear with items i got. Full +11 because i used to farm 6 ish hours a day. And theres alot of people like me.

    I don't see the logic in this because at the start of ob prices were cheap and you were able to farm few hours to get 20+ boxes and a fu%kton of stones. Also pretty sure those "skilled players" donated and farmed aswell.

    There won't be any more wipes and thats that. It would be stupid.

    Every few weeks same posts "pls wipe". Like get over it and enjoy the game, and if you can't enjoy it don't complain about everything just leave and spend ur time elsewhere instead of making posts like this.

    *Correction had +11 used 40 stones + whites. Broke everything. At +9 rn don't see a point of changing anything in upgrade system. It won't stop +15's from happening.

    The only thing that needs to change is this toxic community. Never seen a community this terrible in any game yet lol.

  • You completely ignored 3 points from 4, looks weird to me.

    I didn't donate jackshit since 2016 because I always farmed a lot, powerleveled people for pipiload codes back in the day and I was set for open beta.

    You tell me it was easy to get 20 boxes daily, that means in a big scale people had no need to buy gear as they can simply get boxes? No, that means cashers could still get the boxes, as there is a supply and demand system in the market.

    You got +11 set with $300 donation, I wasted 4.2 BILLION zeni in stones very recently and I got nothing out of it. If someone knows the upgrade system is rng, that's the core point. Doesn't matter if it's RNG or not, if stones are dropping a lot, bots get stones, farmers get stones, and cashers get zeni, it really adds up if you think about it.

    Why farm if you can cash? Why cash if you can buy stones from bots?

    If you SERIOUSLY think that the only thing the game needs to change is the community, then you should play DBOG more, because the game is lowkey f-cked buddy.

  • Hi,

    As i have stated previously on forums each and everyone of us takes time out to review changes and suggestions on Forums. I can agree that not everyone in the Balance Team is worthy of the position. However do not let that be perceived as they have the final say because they do not. Any changes we apply is not permanent its merely a testing phase at any time we can adjust and remove effects made. In all games there is times where some classes are more effective at certain times when its in their meta's favor.

    Re-Wiping the server will not change anything because whats to stop people from just doing it again? We currently do not have protection systems in place and as with any game bugs can be exploited which can change the server dramatically.

    Upgrade system should be changed for sure, As currently RNG is something that can decide if a player continues or quits. It should be those who put the effort in obtain gears worthy of their effort.

    With a well geared team CC100 can be cleared with 4 people. The 5th class will and always be anything you/they want. Yes some classes it might take longer than others but that is the draw backs of some classes. Not every class is made for PVE and PVP. I do agree some classes need to be improved PVE wise in which im sure will happen eventually.

    From my knowledge any player who has been convicted and proved bug abusing in order to advance in any event has been permanently suspended and these rules will always be applied. Sometimes its not easy to tell due to server stability's however do not think each and every case isnt investigated because it is.

    Anyone who has been around on forums for a while knows i have always been in favor of being more open with the DBO G Community however this is the reason instead of leaving balancing to DBO G Staff we recruited a Team which will continue to grow and advance. To those who want their input and opinions counted that's why we have forums you are always free to give your suggestions and when we come across these threads we will take them into consideration. Just because we do not reply to every thread that is made does not mean we do not read over them.

    More precautions will be put into place when it comes to undeserved Budokai advances.

    Nobody is perfect and mistakes can and always will be made the only thing we can do is try better in future.

    To end things as Hardlock stated the New client brings so much more opportunity's anything we want we can potentially do. Yes mistakes were made but from here on out we will strive to make sure no more is made if thats Balancing, Bans or just mistakes server wise.

  • If you SERIOUSLY think that the only thing the game needs to change is the community, then you should play DBOG more, because the game is lowkey f-cked buddy.

    Just face the facts. It will never be balanced like you want it to be. I used to play it because i enjoyed talking with people and doing pve stuff.

    Whenever someone losses a budokai they complain in the forums about every single game aspect. Making threads on the forum won't solve anything.

    As i said enjoy the game as it is. And if you can't, don't play it.

  • Ok, I agree with everything you have said and I appreciate that you have taken the time to comment on a well-argued answer. Only one last detail. Just a simple question.

    Are you going to tell us about the changes to be made in any class BEFORE the implementation? Or will you continue doing what you already do?:/:/:/

  • With a well geared team CC100 can be cleared with 4 people. The 5th class will and always be anything you/they want. Yes some classes it might take longer than others but that is the draw backs of some classes. Not every class is made for PVE and PVP. I do agree some classes need to be improved PVE wise in which im sure will happen eventually.

    Not really mate, I suggested long time ago "Party Speed Buff", that would simply even SPEED parties with karma and poko with those without karma and poko.

    I suggested even Poko "Kami's Epoch" heals EP instead of HP, soo it would easy replace dende for groups with hard core gears.

    Even tho, karma and poko in Speed Party meta would have same effect and speed of clearing dungeons as before, just it would open new form of parties with guess what, 2 MORE OPEN SLOTS.

    I guess any suggestions that don't come from "true end game players" or close friends, simply gets ignored.

    Allow same gearing to everyone else unless you guys, how it looks like for me, you building private server with game how you like, when I say you, I mean those 5%-10% , instead of 90% of rest of community...

    Really guys, no hard feelings but if you want to keep this project alive, you need to fix few crucial game breaking parts, asap:

    1. Every race/class can gear up ( entire gear with accessory + boxes) same as every other class

    2. Upgrade system changed ( It cost stones + some craft materials or TMQ1-7 /UD1 - UD6 upgrade materials)

    3. Brown Boxes - After you use it on item, it ask you : "Do you want to take new effect?" - Yes and No (No one wants max STR and other shits ) - Aka it would be RNG but you could spam it on gear you already using it and ofc expect spending 1000 or 10 boxes...

    Fix this shit before doing PVP Balance with "OP Balance Team" and you can expect that this project will die.


    “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i’m not”
    IGN: Iceman 19_small.png Shadow Knight 19_small.png
    IGN: Iceman
      13_small.png Dark Warrior 13_small.png
    Discord: Iceman#8402

  • Ok, I agree with everything you have said and I appreciate that you have taken the time to comment on a well-argued answer. Only one last detail. Just a simple question.

    Are you going to tell us about the changes to be made in any class BEFORE the implementation? Or will you continue doing what you already do?:/:/:/

    Honestly as much as i would like it to be open discussions it just would not work. What i mean by this is yes there is players who will give good feedback but the majority would not and would simply be a consumption of time. As i mentioned earlier the community is free to give there opinions on any matter and if its myself or another member of staff we will read everything at some point i can assure you. As we apply changes these are not just tested by myself and other balance team members but when they are applied to the live server it will be tested by a LOT of people which can give us feedback.

    ^ this. Gm's dont forget we are a community you need to read all of opinions before you nerf any class

    Yes, Do not worry we take into account every single opinion made. Not all are good by any means but the ones where the majority of us agree on will be the ones trialed and tested.

    The one thing Poko has going for them is they are vital in PVE. The argument with Buffers being allowed in CC instead of buffing and then sitting outside was 'Why should buffers just be used for their buffs and not get anything out of it?' This is the same for speed classes. However this is just for Poko as for Karma we all know they excel in all aspects of the game and in due time other classes will rise up the further we go into balancing. Poko is not a healing class thats the role of the Dende does not make sense to give them the only thing dende is really needed for because then you make the class complete useless. If poko can heal and apply EP heals all you need is a strong tank and you render Dende useless. Classes were made for specific jobs and not every class was made for PVE some excel in PVE and some excel in PVP.

    'I guess any suggestions that don't come from "true end game players" or close friends, simply gets ignored.' Isnt true either in time you will see that i have taken suggestions from random forum posts and included them in my balance summary's and this will not change i will continue to do the same.

  • Honestly as much as i would like it to be open discussions it just would not work. What i mean by this is yes there is players who will give good feedback but the majority would not and would simply be a consumption of time. As i mentioned earlier the community is free to give there opinions on any matter and if its myself or another member of staff we will read everything at some point i can assure you. As we apply changes these are not just tested by myself and other balance team members but when they are applied to the live server it will be tested by a LOT of people which can give us feedback.

    Well, I understand that your goal to prevent us from changes is because you guys don't want to waste time. But don't you think it is a greater waste of time to implement something or modify something that nobody asked? I mean, I guess it would be double work to do, don't you think?

    First put something into the game and then have to modify it to be "balanced" instead of simply knowing "accurately" what to do and what not to do.

    And I don't doubt about your intentions about wanting to improve the game.

    But you have to trust your community. Let us participate in the decisions of a game of which we are consumers.

    Obviously, take into consideration the well-founded comments and not just the whining of one or another member.

    But hey, in the same way I thank you that you have answered us on this occasion and well, at the end of it all you decide what you do with this.

    But be aware that all of us will be grateful if you guys just let us participate in this. All of us, including the staff want the same thing, so I don't see wrong the fact of participating and communicating more with the whole community.


  • I guess any suggestions that don't come from "true end game players" or close friends, simply gets ignored.

    Honestly what's the issue with this? Sorry i'll be the big bad guy but someone has to say it out loud. If someone doesn't know actual end game, that means the person is not experienced enough to potentially decide a change that could be crucial for those who have reached end game.

    Honestly as much as i would like it to be open discussions it just would not work. What i mean by this is yes there is players who will give good feedback but the majority would not and would simply be a consumption of time. As i mentioned earlier the community is free to give there opinions on any matter and if its myself or another member of staff we will read everything at some point i can assure you. As we apply changes these are not just tested by myself and other balance team members but when they are applied to the live server it will be tested by a LOT of people which can give us feedback.

    Yes, Do not worry we take into account every single opinion made. Not all are good by any means but the ones where the majority of us agree on will be the ones trialed and tested.

    As for the "staff" pretending that the community would buff their own classes, do you realise that ALMOST EVERYONE who have ever touched the game and actually knows the game plays multiple classes? Syren you YOURSELF play multiple classes, almost everyone who wants this fcking game to be good plays multiple classes, maybe should take into account that the balancement team you have, is basically Skedar being the most experienced there, who ACTUALLY plays ONLY one class.

    It's easy to say that you don't want to waste time with asking for feedback, yeah, wasting the money of those who cash, wasting the time of those who farm is much better aye? It's not that you don't want to.

  • Honestly as much as i would like it to be open discussions it just would not work. What i mean by this is yes there is players who will give good feedback but the majority would not and would simply be a consumption of time. As i mentioned earlier the community is free to give there opinions on any matter and if its myself or another member of staff we will read everything at some point i can assure you. As we apply changes these are not just tested by myself and other balance team members but when they are applied to the live server it will be tested by a LOT of people which can give us feedback.

    As you can see, you still have to answer to threads like this one that have only originated from this lack of communication between the players and team. The way you put it, you still have to waste time apparently. No matter how terrible or terrific the community might be, they will always be a major part of this project. You must face the fact that it is your duty to cooperate with them and some exclusive club is far from enough. We even have a community manager, but it doesn't feel like one and perhaps you should remove that role as well as it doesn't serve much purpose. The role is specifically for the community and there will be concerns whether you like it or not. Working together should never be a waste of time, it's part of your job, especially cm's.

    As far as the "balance team" is concerned, how can you be sure that they're capable of seeing the whole situation of the classes rather than focusing and deluding themselves into thinking that their ideas are remarkable? They must not only have the experience and knowledge of this game, but also of other mmos in general as they have a lot of common things as well.

    You keep saying that you take every opinion into consideration, but you haven't proved that yet, that's why the community thinks that you might have given up on them and don't see their influence any relevant. If Daneos were to stop sharing information with you and stopped talking with you altogether, would you all just accept that and live on not knowing whether what you do is appreciated or not, or would you try to do everything you can to prevent that from happening? That's how it is from the players' side.

    Your efforts and work are always appreciated even if it doesn't feel like. If such a majority of people claims that the way you approach things requires changes, then it's by all means urgent. It can never be perfect, but it can be better. Unity and cooperation is worth at least a try.

  • The amount of lapdogs and dck suckers still here is crazy. This game will never get better with the type of leaders you have and look up to. By the middle to end of 2019 this game will be gone and you all will look retarded for constantly supporting a scum bag.

    Do yourself a favour and leave the game, and actually do something productive instead of wasting your time defending a corrupt and selfish retard.

  • The one thing Poko has going for them is they are vital in PVE. The argument with Buffers being allowed in CC instead of buffing and then sitting outside was 'Why should buffers just be used for their buffs and not get anything out of it?' This is the same for speed classes. However this is just for Poko as for Karma we all know they excel in all aspects of the game and in due time other classes will rise up the further we go into balancing. Poko is not a healing class thats the role of the Dende does not make sense to give them the only thing dende is really needed for because then you make the class complete useless. If poko can heal and apply EP heals all you need is a strong tank and you render Dende useless. Classes were made for specific jobs and not every class was made for PVE some excel in PVE and some excel in PVP.

    'I guess any suggestions that don't come from "true end game players" or close friends, simply gets ignored.' Isnt true either in time you will see that i have taken suggestions from random forum posts and included them in my balance summary's and this will not change i will continue to do the same.

    Wait, it is normal for you that this game remain "Majins Ball Online" huh.

    At least with this changes I suggested, game would offer chance to team up with every race/class.

    About Poko, that isn't true, it just means that Dende and Poko needs to be fixed.

    You can't tell me that you never played any other MMO than DBO.

    Dende is true healer, meaning higher heals, while Poko is summoner that means summons dragons and support them.

    Still in any MMO's "Summoner" class is made to be able to solo every UD and such.

    Lets face it mate, most of that "balance" and staff team members do not want or do not know how to fix classes and even gameplay soo it would bring benefit to MMO as whole, since you guys are biased af and it will be changed how you want it, not how it should be.

    Honestly what's the issue with this? Sorry i'll be the big bad guy but someone has to say it out loud. If someone doesn't know actual end game, that means the person is not experienced enough to potentially decide a change that could be crucial for those who have reached end game.

    Well mate that "true end game players" are Doc.DBOG, since without that Diploma you can't gear up or even do anything in game but mostly you need all gears + high upgraded gears to be "Player" is funny as hell.

    Game was never designed to be skill based, it is gear based to milk money and unless you are stupid and can't read and use "right builds" for classes, then it is alright.

    Even guys who never played from start of DBO back in Kr, they need max 1 month to figure out everything.

    PS: Give everyone gear with stats they want and with high upgrade and even newbies will rape "pro cash end game players" in 1 month, when they figure out how things works.

    Soo it is really funny when I see who runs the game (those teams) and one more, as of Daneos who never played DBO or DBOG, and still calls the last shots is what, idiot? Then he is too stupid to even code the game, he need DBO Diploma.

    Well it was funny and I had big hope for this, but sadly nothing will change for better.


    “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i’m not”
    IGN: Iceman 19_small.png Shadow Knight 19_small.png
    IGN: Iceman
      13_small.png Dark Warrior 13_small.png
    Discord: Iceman#8402

  • The amount of lapdogs and dck suckers still here is crazy. This game will never get better with the type of leaders you have and look up to. By the middle to end of 2019 this game will be gone and you all will look retarded for constantly supporting a scum bag.

    Do yourself a favour and leave the game, and actually do something productive instead of wasting your time defending a corrupt and selfish retard.

    Kinda have to agree. What i saw from the first day of open beta till now, nothing much has changed tbh. If he never intended for any of this to happen, would have seen it from the start itself. If it took so long and theres still no change, its kinda a hint that nothing will change at all in the near future.

  • A los que no les guste el juego que no lo jueguen y ya,que cansado es ver cada minuto a gente diciendo que,que asco de juego o que el juego está muerto o va a morir,dejen de joder tanto y si lo piensan asi dejen el juego y ya, los asquerosos son ustedes,que gente mas toxica,lo peor es que la mayoría se expresa de una manera tan fea que da hasta rabia,primera vez que veo muchos tan juntos, dejen al equipo hacer su trabajo, no creo que ellos quieran que el juego este mal, ellos solo hacen lo que pueden,si el juego a ustedes les parece tan asqueroso y muerto no entiendo que hacen jugandolo,solo toca esperar el nuevo servidor y ver que tanto mejora esto,esperar o mejor,en fin,es mi opinión.

  • A los que no les guste el juego que no lo jueguen y ya,que cansado es ver cada minuto a gente diciendo que,que asco de juego o que el juego está muerto o va a morir,dejen de joder tanto y si lo piensan asi dejen el juego y ya, los asquerosos son ustedes,que gente mas toxica,lo peor es que la mayoría se expresa de una manera tan fea que da hasta rabia,primera vez que veo muchos tan juntos, dejen al equipo hacer su trabajo, no creo que ellos quieran que el juego este mal, ellos solo hacen lo que pueden,si el juego a ustedes les parece tan asqueroso y muerto no entiendo que hacen jugandolo,solo toca esperar el nuevo servidor y ver que tanto mejora esto,esperar o mejor,en fin,es mi opinión.

    I agree with you, just as there is nothing I can do about it. So I just have to have faith that the team will do its best to make the game grow.

    Do what you have to do but take care of the details. I have faith in you guys.:thumbup:

  • I totally agree with Prometheus.

    Sorry but the whole staff/team/gms/mods/Daneos are noobs when it comes to balancing or statisfying the customer. You guys are no professionals no previous experiences and as it was said alot of times already this project only lives thanks to its community. It isn't a waste of time to ask the community for feedback. Sure you will get alot of bad feedback but the one good feedback you will find under all of those 100 bad feedbacks still makes it worth.

    Also the reason why this community is so toxic lies party at the dbog team. If you do everything secretly ofc people will get mad. They invest their time and money into it and things just get changed however some special people thing it would be good.

    Any big company tries to be as transparent as possible because it's the best way to earn a customers trust. Why would dbog go exactly in the opposite direction? Why repeat the same error that was done before again with just other people?

    One big problem was all these changes but another big problem was that the trust of the community was just betrayed.

  • I think people should be more careful with their wording and not put the ENTIRE staff team on blast.

    There are genuinely members of the staff team such as Hardlock for example that if given the opportunity really try to make this game a better experience; its even worse when you consider the rumors/possibilities that GMs themselves don't even have all the power that they should have, and those with lower ranks such as Mod though can only do so much.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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