New Client Change Log and Ideas

  • I've been thinking about something for a while now. And surprise, it's again something ppl won't like xD

    Here in DBOG some classes got changed into something they shouldn't be. Like they are good at something they weren't designed for. Example: Fighters/Ulti and some others that i don't care about writing them down. Some ppl will understand what i mean, also trying to keep it short here.

    People wanted to be able to Farm (PvE) with Fighters although they were clearly designed for PvP only. There was a reason why Fighters sucked in Farming. People didn't like it and they successfully got it changed here in DBOG. Same for Ulti. Its job was to bufff other classes. Literally the only Job for them. Be in Parties for Dungeons (PvE) or in Team fights (PvP) and buff players. Here ppl wanted to be able to be more tanky,more offensive with it. And it also happened. But by doing so other classes got trashed.

    What i'm saying is: Some classes suck hard af cuz ppl wanted the most played classes (Fighter,SK,Ulti) to be able to do everything. Classes like DW,Plasma,Crane became irrelevent. I mean why make a DW when SK can do the same sh*t + easy to PvP with?

    I'd say remove those changes. Turn the classes into what they were designed for. Could bring in some major balance. Like making a Character and decide wether you wanna do PvP only, PvE only or play as Support. Based on what a Player wants, he creates the class. If they wanna do the other option, simply create new char. By having Multiclient removed we have a good fundament on Teamplay between the classes. People playing certain classes will need other classes to finish a Dungeon effectively.

    Being able to do everything with only one char is nice for ppl who are lazy or just don't have the time to play. But it's not good for the overall class balance within the Game itself. You could legit delete DW and it wouldn't have an impact on the game...this seems so damn wrong to me.

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    *got f*cked hard by Upgrading on July 8th 2018*


    Edited once, last by SumTingWong ().

  • 1. DW are way better than SK at farming.

    2. Ultimate/Chef needed a buff because it got to the point where they were called buff slaves and literally couldn’t do anything else.

    3. I think its a terrible idea because basically your telling everyone you stand no chance in pvp if you are not one of the ”pvp” classes. These things should be up to the skills you choose and how you play and not being limited from the start just because of the class you choose.

    4. Every Class should be able to pvp.

  • 1. DW are way better than SK at farming.

    2. Ultimate/Chef needed a buff because it got to the point where they were called buff slaves and literally couldn’t do anything else.

    3. I think its a terrible idea because basically your telling everyone you stand no chance in pvp if you are not one of the ”pvp” classes. These things should be up to the skills you choose and how you play and not being limited from the start just because of the class you choose.

    4. Every Class should be able to pvp.

    Have you ever seen fighter/swordsman fighting ultimate? Ultimate counters every class, dishes out decent dmg, cant die in 1v1. The only classes that are trash rn are fighter, dw, cheff

  • 1. DW are way better than SK at farming.

    2. Ultimate/Chef needed a buff because it got to the point where they were called buff slaves and literally couldn’t do anything else.

    3. I think its a terrible idea because basically your telling everyone you stand no chance in pvp if you are not one of the ”pvp” classes. These things should be up to the skills you choose and how you play and not being limited from the start just because of the class you choose.

    4. Every Class should be able to pvp.

    to 1: That got changed that way. SK was always superior to DW before it got changed here. You barely saw any DW in the past.

    to 2: Well they were called Buff slaves cuz they literally are there to buff you. Those are support classes. It's their job to buff you.

    A little offensive is ok to the point where they can dmg ppl in Team fights so their other team mates can take the enemy down but Ulti is ridiculously OP here. Literally can do anything.

    to 3: Fair point. But certain classes are just not fit to PvP/PvE. As i said, if you change them being able to the opposite, another class will get trashed.

    to 4: I don't see it like that. In every MMORPG there are classes or whatever that do better than others in a certain field. It's made like that cuz it's meant to be like that. That's what the creators of the games came up with. A Fighter (for example) is a DPS character. Designed for PvP. I don't see any reason giving Fighters adjustments to make sure they can also do PvE when there are other classes that were made for that purpose.

    I admit that what i wrote was not really thought out well. As i wrote before, it's just something i was thinking about. I'm actually 100% sure it won't happen anyways since ppl aim to have fun instead of a good game. Can't change this fact.

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    *got f*cked hard by Upgrading on July 8th 2018*


  • You wouldn't believe how many actually agree with this.

  • Ofc they are trash dishing out same dmg as swordaman. At lvl 70 they will be even shittier. What they have better than any class here in dbog?

    You literally said there only three bad classes atm and one of those are fighters. There are like 6 more classes worse than fighters. Fighters are actually in the top 6 best classes out of the 12 classes in the game. If fighters were so bad you wouldn't see the game filled with them. Fighters have the best dodge rate, high damage (which has a chance to even one/two shots tanks), low cds, bs immune skill.... I could go on. Now I'm not saying they are the best class or broken. However, they aren't the worst class or one of the worst in the game.

  • fighter only has trouble with reflect and ultimates.

    they are one of the better classes in this game for pvp.

    heres the worst classes plasma, poko,darkwarrior, and chef.

    and yet no one complains how shitty they are.

  • look, the old server was viped by omniking so fresh start :D i think servers should get reset. i just afraid how many ppl will play after reset. if the updates will be good and not just tweaks but full pledge features and refresh of new spirit, this game could stay for several yars and make good money.

    "- Cash Shop

    The slot machines (wagu machine) has been removed and will only be available for events."

    i do like the event idea, so the dogi would be more valuable and rare. but i hope there will be free spins events to.

    "- Netpy Shop & Netpy Coins

    The netpy shop & netpy coins are removed. You will no longer receive netpy coins for staying online."

    so called netpy coins is the ones from game screen with blue icon and T letter, and called tokens :O?

    anyway there is U55 white stones to buy for 600 tokens,now it will be harder to get those stones, and i do believe its good thing,. also good thing to make it as a event to .:D

    honestly i thing we need a vipe and fresh start. ofc founders should get they gifts, ppl from "seazon 1" who spend money should also get gifts, not to huge, like thematic dogis, more you spend, better dogi you will get. choosen title like "IMORTAL" or "SEMIGOD", " Ancient Sajan", "Namekian God", "Hakai Shin"... some epic cosmetic items. oh lvl30 stone to boost a start 100% (im lazy to lvl my character again) ...

  • I agree that some classes have a slight edge in some situations (pvp, pve), but I don't agree with classes not being able to do some things. Eg saying someone that chooses a fighter Is only allowed to do pvp and not pve is just wrong. We all like different things, I chose a fighter bcos I like how the class plays but I am a pve player I know it sounds stupid using fighter for pve only but it's my choice and I don't think you should restrict people like that otherwise the game will become silly

  • I agree that some classes have a slight edge in some situations (pvp, pve), but I don't agree with classes not being able to do some things. Eg saying someone that chooses a fighter Is only allowed to do pvp and not pve is just wrong. We all like different things, I chose a fighter bcos I like how the class plays but I am a pve player I know it sounds stupid using fighter for pve only but it's my choice and I don't think you should restrict people like that otherwise the game will become silly

    i must to agree with you, i want a human race with an axe from namekians. also i took fighter for fun pve just simply cuz i want a fighter

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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