I know some of you were hoping for new dogis drops to be added this week, but Daneos needs to first work on a new patching method that will make things easier and also prevent some of those bugs, where some people couldn't see new dogis. This will be taken care of as soon as possible.
- Damage from behind x1.5 (If crit is successful 25% of weapon damage is added as bonus).
- Fused Zamasu Outfit icon and dogi textures have been updated.
- Kid Gohan Gi dogi textures have been updated.
- Blue, Red and Yellow Tie Business Man Suit dogis should be now fixed on all races.
- Mystery Dogi Capsule no longer dropped from Tutorial. It can now be received from "Popo Gift Box LV2"!
- Player mute no longer ends at a fixed time. It now ends when player has been online for the whole mute's duration.
- Ranking now only works on Channel 0.
- Majin recovered LP/EP% instead of the victim (that wears that stat) during a spin attack.
- Removing buffs from CCBD bosses.
- "Recover X% LP/EP from damage taken" buff now works correctly.
- An issue within drop rate. It should be easier to farm in dungeons now (higher drop rates).
Reminder that all forum rules still apply here. If you want to leave any suggestions and express your opinions, please do so in a civilized manner.